12 FEBRUARY 2005, Page 28

Keeping to the Pavement

When the wind rides rough in a vagabond sky I think of the wagon I failed to buy a gypsy wagon with dandelion wheels and a rounded top as green as the hills; strong shafts to harness a carefree steed (a wall-eyed skewbald of Romany breed) to clip-clop under the Milky Way or travel on little-known roads by day.

I attended the auction but lost my nerve so it went to a bidder with buccaneer verve.

I’d hoped it was mine, but mislaid my voice and stepped on the pavement of coward’s choice.

If I’d been bolder it could have been mine but I watched it vanish — all dazzle and shine, with curlicue scrolls painted blue and red as it rolled away with my dreams instead. Mary Sheepshanks