The Morning Ifettatd, famous for • hatred of the 'practice
of the law, in recording the fact that 8,40.0 attornies had taken otit their:cortifidateO thip., year, 'proceeded to calculate how many poor -devils would be fleeced thereby. Theiiroc. ess adopted was Simple Rule of Three_Direct: allowing 10 clients for each attorney, it. was stated thus—if one :attorney Ileeees 10, then how many will 8,400 give? In the *Herald of Friday, is a letter from an attorney, jealous; it Might be supposed, for the honour of his Profession he finds. an error in the•caleulation he does not .ap.patently. think for u moment Of denying that each attorney in business will fleece ten clients; but, says he, many of those who take out certificates are in flirt clerks in the offices of others ; so that it would seem they only -assist in the fleecing, and therefore that it takes more than one attorney to fleece ten clients nay, says the correspondent, in his office there are/our certificated clerks ; so that, reckoning the attorney in chief, there is only one attorney to the fleecing of' two clients ; which will hardly pay. "If we deduct that number from the sum total, it rihl, on reflection, make a great difference."— Certainly! The dttornies will not be much obliged. to this defender of the honour of the profession.