The Olympic Revels, we are sorry to see, have been
interrupted this week. The illness and probable withdrawal of LISTON from the stage, is likely to "eclipse the gayety of nations." The goddess of the • Paphian Bower herself has been seized with hysterics, in the face of the world ; and it was apprehended that she too would be obliged to descend from the heights of Olympus for a while : but, happily, Dr. ARNOTT was on the spot, and by a ready and Suitable supply of ambrosia, quickly restored the Venus of the night to her public and her ceestuO. Her malady is said to be palpitation of the heart. This is but retributive justice.
Whoso sheildeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." So shall it also be said, that she who inflicts torture on the bosoms of men; shall herself suffer from angina pectoris. VESTRIS has probably had, in her time, as well as caused, a good deal of wear and tear of heart; and repose,.such as the case required, is scarcely to be found in the management of a theatre. The place of even a successful manager is a bed of thorns : we reco:nmend, in pre- ference, Dr. ARNOTT'S hydrostatic bed.