12 JANUARY 1833, Page 8

A most horrifying accident has just occurred in Bonmahon, in

con- sequence of the incautious handling of fire-arms. A servant of Dr. Bakers was endeaVonihig to draw a ramrod out of one of the barrels of a gun, the otherbarrel being loaded ; the ramrod had stuck fast, when the servant, with strange temerity, caught it with his teeth, and was trying to drag it out, when the other barrel went off, and literally blew the unfortunate man's brains about the room, and he fell dead upon the lloor.— Waterford Chronicle.

An ingenious individual of the name of Penshon, has discovered a plan by which the life-boat, which now takes twenty-six minutes to be launched, may be launched in five minutes ; a difference of time which, under many eircumstaineessmight be of the most essential consequence .to poor shipwrecked mariners.—Norwich East Anglian..

About seven or eight days ago, as u countryman was walking along the beach between Falmouth_ and Lowestoft, be picked up a stone, -which appeared flat, and _of, a glossy substance on one side. Having occasion soon after to go to Bury, he took it to a jeweller, who gave him 251. for it. The man says he has frequently before picked up similar stones on the beach, but never knew they were at all valuable. —Norwich East Anglian.