12 JANUARY 1850, Page 1

France consents to exhibit a most unseemly combination of arro-

gance and weakness, which just now characterizes public men and public bodies generally. The long debate in the Legislative As- sembly, on the conduct of affairs in the Rio de la Plata, has ended in a compromise between the War party and the Government. To the Ministerial demand for a vote of money the Committee had appended a suggestion indicating an armed intervention to esta- blish the independence of Monte Video, as a half French settle- ment whose political isolation would be very advantageous to French influence and interests in that quarter. This involved a total dis- allowance of the treaty- concluded between Admiral Lepredour and the President Roses, which favoured Buenos Ayres at the expense of Monte Video. Ministers wished to temporize. They evidently desire to transfer French support across the Rio de la Plata to Roses; whether because they really believe that French residents and interests have transmigratcd, or because they merely seek to aggrandize French influence by tacking it to Itosas—the adven- turous chief who might be fostered into a scourge of Brazil, that natural ally of England—we do not know. But they had not the courage to avow their.purpose and stick to it; so they proposed to gam time, by disallowing the treaty and "continuing the negotia- tions." The array against them in the Assembly was formidable, especially as it included M. Thiers ; and it was manifest that they would not be able to maintain their 'original position. M. Rang moved a friendly amendment, virtually accepting the Ministers' suggestion, but more distinctly pledging them to a forcible pro- tection of Frenoh interests. This was carried—no party obtaining a victory.

The majority in the Assem.)1t,to-:gery.domineezing ; but it is not m *

able to conceal some falling;offnuntbers or solidity. This be- came most apparent on. the reeleelioll'Of M. Dupin as President: and, not content to be deprived of that large majority which had supported him in his very partisan and arbitrary presidency, he de- clined to reaccept the post. His onesided insolence was unabated; but not so the numerical strength that supPe4d it. His party, however, rallied to the rescue, and reelected him : a result which had some effect on the Plata debate. But the grossest display of inefficient arrogance is that ascribed to the President. A " communicated " *note, published in a new journal said to be his organ, and conceived in the authoritative style of an autograph manifesto, declares that Ministers are not shaken in their place, and will not be shaken while they retainthe confidence of the President: a statement which implies that they are wholly independent of the Assembly, and hold their places by the absolute will of a four-years Monarch. His Majesty Louis Na- poleon outdoes his predecessor or our constitutional Sovereigns, and -- vies with George the Third at least. Yet this self-relying procla= mation is made by a man who cannot fulfil his declaration that the passport system had been abolished
