The Revenue-tables for the year and quarter confirm our in-
ference from the anticipatory accounts—that the revenue has been nearly stationary, with a decided inclination to rise in the latter part of the year. On the year there is a balancing of small sums under the heads of increase and decrease : the only consi- derable amounts of the more significant items are the increase of 254,000/. in Stamps, and the decrease of 233,5621. in Customs. Of course the repeal of the corn-duty, the alteration of the duty, and the like, serve to account for this latter deficiency. net decrease on the year is 80,0001. On the quarter the balance turns decidedly to increase. In the ordinary revenue the only items of decrease are in Taxes and Post-office ; neither of which signify anything very serious. The only remarkable head of increase is that in Excise-371,8991., which exceeds by a few odd hundreds the net increase on the quarter-371,125l. The general aspect is satisfactory, without stretching the inferences to those vast auguries which are so often extracted from the financial oracle, to be confuted at the next issue of the tables.