12 JANUARY 1850, Page 12


Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britaiia, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th January 1849 and 1850, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.

YEARS ENDED 5th JOUARY 1849. 1850. Increase. Decrease.


18,929,360 18,695,798

233,562 Excise 12,832,140 12,753,815

78,925 Stamps 6,110,848 6,365,475 254,627

Taxes 4,314,704 4,303,849

10,855 Property Tax 6,347,365 6,408,159 60,794

Post-office 776,000 806,000 30,000

• Crowe Lands 81,000 160,000 79,000

Miscellaneous 101,166 249,242 148,076

Total Ordhuuy Revenue 48,492,383 48,742,338 572,497 322,742 s China Money 539,305

539,305 Imprest and other Monies 485,384 559,467 74,073 • • Itepaymente of Adviinces 414,251 549,597 135,346

Total Income 49,931,523

49,851,392 781,916 862,047 Deduct Increase

781,916 Decrease on the Tear


QUARTERS ENDED 5th JANUARY 1849. 18.50. Increase. Decrease.


‘Onstoms 4,682,395

4,720,630 38,235

Excise 3,263,162 3,625,061 371,809

Stamps. 1,472,598 1,509,860 37,262

Taxes 1,921,013 1,697,931

23,052 Pielier6 Tax - 424,494 449,354 24,960

Post-office 198,000 152,000

46,000 Crown Lands 30,000 60,000 30,000

Miscelliumous. 21,709 58,408 36,699

Total Ordinary Revenue 2,003,311 12,473,314 539,035 69,052 China Money 84,284

84,284 Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances 123,893



1,192 16,786 Total Income 12,362,185 12,723,310 540,247 169,122 Deduct Decrease 169,122

increase on the Quarter


Income and Charge on the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th January 1849 and 1850.


QVARTEPE ENDED 5th Jaireals,

1649. 1350.

Customs £4,682,395 £4,720,630 Excise 3,262,138 3,638,795 Stamps 1,472,598 1,509,860 Taxes 1,921,013 1,897,961 Property Tax 424,434 449,394 Post-Mike 198,000 152,000 Crown Lands 30,000 60,000 Miscellaneous 21,7C9 68,408 China Money 84,284

Imprest and other Monies 35,261 46,822 Produce of the Sale of old Stores, de 88,634 78,265 Repayments of Advances 140,695 124,909

12,361,161 12,737,044 CHARGE. gees:rens sense 5th


1849. 1850.

Permanent Debt £4,905,787 £5,811,105 Terminable Annuities 576,676 558,639 Interest on Exchequer Mils Issued to meet theCharge on the Con- solidated Fund ' 1,032 - Sinking Fund - 302,961 Civil List 98,893 99,220 Other Charges on the Consolidated Fund 379,236 340,144 For Advances 184,380 374,172 Total Charge 7,044,953 7,488,301 Surplus 6,316,208 6,250,743

12,361,161 12,737,044 the Charges of that Quarter, was


'The Surplus Revenue on 10th October 1849, after providingforj was

To which is to be added the of the Consolidated Fund, as above stated, in the present Quarter - 5,250,743


The amount issued in the Quarter ended 6th January 1830, for

Supply Services

4,112,823 The Surplus Revenue, after providing for the Charges on the

Consolidated Fund, and for the Payment of Supply Services in

1,682,807 England In the Quarter ended 6th January 1850