12 JANUARY 1850, Page 18


The Atlas of Physical Geography. Constructed by Augustus Peter- F.R.G.S. With Descriptive Letterpress, embracing a General .431itril'of the Physical Pluenomena of the Globe, by the Reverend Thomas Milner M.A., F.R.G.S. Illustrated by one hundred and thirty Vignette; on Wood.

Saint Leper; or the Threads of Life.

Evening Thoughts. By a Physician.

IThis volume contains a series of' thoughts" on a great number of subjects, varying in length from a single sentence to an essay. of several pages. To persons of a reflective turn this mode of composition is easy; the value of such thoughts is rarely considerable unless they are the fragments of great authors preserved as " ana" or tableAalk. The present boo has character because the writer is versed in several branches of learning, metaphysical, scholastic, and theological ; the study- of which argues acquirement, the power of sustained application, and reflection. There are some quaint and curious papers worth perusal. Perhaps the book would be improved by the omission of the shorter passages and single sentences. Such brevity requires a comprehensive pith of matter and force of style, which the Physician does not possess.] Acting Charades ; or Deeds, not Words. A Christmas Game, to make a Long Evening Short. By the Brothers Mayhew. Illustrated by H. G. Hine. [Everybody knows that an acted charade is a pantomimic drama Of three acts or scenes; in which the first represents, riddle-me-re" fashion, one word, the second another word, and the third scene combines the two to form the "whole" of the written charade. In the book before us, the first scene presents the company .with the burlesque of a court of law ; the second a ship, with, as one of the mdicia, a commotion of the stomach among the passengers ; the climax is a "courtship." The volume contains nearly thirty similar scenes described in a lively and funny way (for there is no speaking in an acted charade); and yet, like the primal comedy, leaving much to the invention of the actors. It is a hand- some and seasonable book for this time of holyday parties, and may be per- formed or perused with equal amusement.]

Truth is Everything ; a Tale for Young Persons. By Mrs. Thomas Geldart, Author of "Nursery Guide," ac.

[The object of this juvenile tale is to impress upon young persons the im- portance of truth at all times and under all circumstances, by showing the present discomfort, the future evil consequences, and the injury to tho personal character, that flow from falsehood however trivial, and the bene- fits that arise from firmness and truthfulness. The particular examples arc well selected to illustrate the purpose of the writer, and the scenes they produce are described with a lifelike spirit There is a touch of that ten- dency to exaggerate cause and consequence which is found in most didac- tic works, and perhaps some deficiency in wholeness. Truth is Everything almost stops short of an ending.]

:Our Guardian; a Novel. By Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel, Author of "My Sister Minnie " &c. In three volumes.

[This _novel exhibits' Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel's wonted elegance of style and pathos, and several of the scenes-are effective. There is a degree of exagge- ration in eome of the characters, and a little tendency to tinge her story and its denouement with melancholy; but these traits are probably rather attractive than otherwise to her readers] Selections from the British Poets, chronologically arranged from Chaucer to the Present Timerunder separate divisions; with Introduc- tions, explaining the different species of poetry.. In two volumes. [It is difficult to make a selection from so wide a field as the British poets from Chaucer to the present day and not produce a valuable and readable col- lection of verses. Arranged chronologically, with short prefaces animated by taste and knowledge, the selection would furnish the materials for a summary history of poetry and the English language. The first category is fulfilled in these volumes, more especially as modem authors are freely drawn upon; for the mass of the public always best relishes what is contemporary: The second end is not so well compassed, on account of the numerous divisions : there are upwards of a dozen leading claases,—as Sacred, Moral, Descrip- tive Pastoral, besides various subdivisions. The bocdr is printed under the direction of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, and of course is cheap.]

Biographical Sketches of Eminent British Poets, chronologically ar- ranged from Chaucer to Burns ; with Criticisms on their Works ; selected from the merit distinguished writers.

[4 companion volume, to the Selections ; containing a succinct account of the facts of the lives with critical estimates of the genius of the different poets, avowedly drawn 'from various sources. This fact of compilation is distinctly stated in the preface : the compiler, it says "does not lay claim either to extensive research or original criticism ; he aspires only to the humble merit of careful industry,' &c.] Orissa, the Garden of Superstition and Idolatry; including an Account of British Connexion with the Temple of Jagamiath : to which are added, lighter Literary Recreations of a Critic Abroad. By William F. B. Laurie, Lieutenant Madras Artillery.

Although the " trade " has not been so busy in the second as in the first week of the year, there is this similarity between them, that a large portion of the books are substantially reprints. The "prime in order and in might" are the new editions of Sydney Smith and of Macaulay's Critical and His- torical Essays, each sent forth by Messrs. Longman, in a more square form than the double-column editions of Byron, Moore, &c., but well-looking, compact, and perhaps more handy than- their taller compeers. They form a capital collection of wit and wisdom, or of brilliant composition, and contain probably more reading for the purchaser than any similar volumes on loftier themes. The second edition of Professor Harvey's work on British Algai embraces the pith of the new discoveries which have been made in the eight years that have els- xl since the first edition was published ; and besides minor changes, of . he nature of revision, the work is now confined to ma- rine plants, while -plates have been given to illustrate the genera. The Standard Library of Mr. Bohn began the now year with the first volume of Woodfall's Junius, embracing the Letters. He will add to the avowed works, the matter contained in the private correspondence with the Great Un- known's publisher, and such information as that publisher felt himself at liberty to impart, as well as further speculations touching the authorship. Mr. Bohn has also reprinted for his Classical Library a translation of Aris- totle's Rhetoric and given, if not for the first time m Fnglish, for the first time in a generally accessible form, the treatise on Poetry.

Both the. Directories, too, are revised reprints. The excellent Guide to

Dublin, with its summary of the lawyers, clergymen, officials, and facts of Ireland, does not seem to possess any new features ; but its cheapness and completeness are always remarkable. The Official and Legal Directory, with its almanack and ample diary, i, a useful and very sightly volume forper- sons who are more concerned in public official, or professional business, than in commercial affairs • while it has also features of general utility, especially in its street guide. 'The Ragged School Magazine is the collection of the numbers for 1849 into a volume ; and forms a book full of information and strange and touching facts, though sometimes a little dashed by the old " tract " spirit. The slight publications that follow tell their own story sufficiently.

The Works ofthe Reverend Sydney Smith. A new edition. Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the "EdinburghReview." By Thomas Babington MacaUlay. A new edition. A Manual of British Marine Alga; containing Generic end Sr ecific Descriptions of all the known British Spies of Sea-Weeds, with Plates to illustrate all the Genera. By W. H. Harvey, M.D., M.R.LA., &c.

Junin • : including Letters the same Writer under other signatures, &c. A new and e edition. By John Wade, Author of ' A Compendium of British History," &c. -Volume I. (Bohn's Standard Library.)

Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric literally translated from the Greek. Also, The Poetic of Aristotle, literally translated. By Theodore Buckley, B.A., of Christ Church. (I3ohn's Classical Library.) The Ragged School Union Magazine. Volume I. Thom's Irish Almanack and Official Directory, with the Post-office Dublin City and County Directory, for the year 1850. The Official and Legal Directory and Diary, for 1850. -Poems. By Fritz and Liolett. Second edition. A Manual of Parochial Institutions ; with Rules and Regulations, &c. By the Honourable and Reverend Samuel Best, M.A. Second edition. ILLugnisran Wouss.

..Roberts's Sketches in India and Nubia; with Historical Descriptions by -William Brockedon, F.B.S. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. Parts XIX, MX, and XXI.

[The present fasciculus, containing three parts, completes this magnificent work. Mr. Moon takes credit, not undeservedly, for the excellent manner in which it has been carried out to the close—to the last, the designs of the art- ist, the letterpress, the lithography, and the printing thereof, are executed without abatement from the high ttandard fixed at the first. Indeed, the present fasciculus contains one of the most remarkable productions we have ever seen in the way of coloured lithography: It is the "Approach of the Simoom—Desert of Gizeh": a black mist is wafted rapidly across the sand, tents are torn away ; the camels throw themselves upon the ground to avoid the hated blast ; the sun, magnified to immense size, glares luridly through the darkness ; and the head of the Sph!nx rears its rocklike farm as though the work of man consciously emulated the crag of nature in braving the storm : the whole of this -seen ,e with a surprising effect of space and won- derful force of colour, is accomplished by the aid of comparatively few tints. Roberts is certainly a compltie master of matter-of-fact effects ; his discrimi- nating eye and certain hand give him perfect power over the whole scale of gradations in form and tone. The plate also is a masterpiece of lithography and a triumph of lithographic printing ; for in such a work the very press- man must be an artist.] Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Oreat Britain. 'With BM:gra- phical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. 13y Ed- mund Lodge, Esq., F.S.A. In eight volumes. 'Volume III. Pe. ,hn's -Illustrated Library.)


The Germ: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature, -and Art. No. L January.

[There is a great deal more of individual notion. in The Germ than the world is-accustomed to look for in a periodical, or than is indeed fitted for that kind of publication, which, to do- any good, must represent a class of some kind. Poetry of the school of Tennyson, pushed to an exaggeration of the master's exaggerations, occupies. a good deal of The Germ; there is a long review of "The Bothie of Toper-na-fuosich," which only peculiar feelings would have admitted; and two papers on art, one an essay, one a story. There is some (uncultivated) ability- and freshness, or at least strangeness, In the publication ; but not well placed in a monthly magazine.]


Bradshaw's General Railway Directory, Shareholders' Guide, Manual, and Almanack, for 1850.

[The feature of this book, and a very valuable one, is the Shareholders' Manual,—a succinct account of all the English and Foreign Railways, made up to the 16th December; showing the acts under which they have been established, the amount of capital, the various amalgamations, leases, gua- rantees, the nature of the liabilites, &c. It is compiled by Mr. Edwards, the Secretary to the Manchester Stock Exchange, from data collected -in his official capacity.]

Oliver and Boyd's Threepenny Almanack and Daily .Retnembruswer, for 1860.


Christ the Resurrection and the Lsfe ; a Sermon preached in St. George's, Brighton, the Sunday after the death of Adelaide the Queen Dowager. By the Reverend Issues S. M. Anderson, -M.A., one of the Chaplains to her late Majesty., &c.

The Distinctive Excellences of our Book of Common Prayer. -A Sermon preached in Old St. Pancras Church.. By G. S. Drew, MA., Minister.

A Letter to the Queen on a late Court-martial. By Samuel Warren, P.B.S. Banister-at-law.

To Protect Native Industry is a National Duty as well as a National Benefit ; a Patriotic Essay. By the Reverend H. S. M. Hubert, MA., Vicar of Croxton, Norfolk. Remarks on some of Sir William Hamilton's Notes on the Works of Dr. Thomas Reid, &c. By C. Mansfield Ingleby, BA., of Trinity College, Cambridge. Translatwns from the Manchu, with the original Texts ; prefaced by an Essay on the Language. By Thomas Taylor Meadows, Interpreter to H. B. M.'s Consulate at Canton.