Lord Palmerston has been "theiterb of:a social entertainment given by
his Southampton neighbours to celebrate the foundation of the Hartley Institution, to be built and endowed out of the remains of a handsome fortune of "100,0001., two-fifths of which escaped the jaws of the Court of Chancery, the remaining three- fifths having disappeared in law expenses and a compromise. The Premier displayed his wonted sprightliness, making several speeches, one in the open air ; and giving expression, in his re- ferences to Italy and the United States, to feelings which all honest Englishmen must reciprocate. The hop interest united at last, Sussex and Kent, landowners and planters, have taken the field in earnest. They place their agitation for repeal upon the basis of free trade. They come out as free-traders, pure and simple ; even proposing to adopt what they call Manchester tactics, maintaining a bold front in White- hall, and " boreing" Members of Parliament into submission. We wish them success ; but if hops succeed, what will malt say ?