12 JANUARY 1861, Page 6


A public meeting was held on Monday, at the Music Hall of Edin- burgh, as a counter demonstration against The late meeting, which narrowly decided in favour of the city Members. Mr. Charles Cowan, the late M.P. for the city, sent a letter, expressing his disapproval of? the Lord Advocate's Bill for the suppression of the Annuity Tax ; he adheres to'the principle of Mr. Black's Bill, which dealt fairly with the present incumbents, but extinguished the tax. Very strong resolutions were liaised, and a petition to Parliament adopted, which is to be sent to Mr. Dunlop, M.P., for presentation.

The Lord Provost of Glasgow received a communication from the Secre- tary of State, on Saturday, intimating that the sentence of capital punish- ment recently passe.: upon the lad M'Eadyen for the murder, by drowning in the Clyde, of the poor child Shields, had been respited during her Ma- jesty's pleasure.

In the parish of Innerleithen, which has it population exceeding 1500, there have been no deaths derma.' the quarter just passed. During the whole of the year I860, there have been only 15 deaths, giving a death-rate as low as ten per thousand. Of these fifteen deaths, there were only two be- low five years of age, oi.c of the two dying a day or two after premature birth.