12 JANUARY 1867, Page 2

At a meeting of the St. Pancras Board of Works

on Tuesday a vote was passed granting 1,000/. to the surveyor for clearing away the snow, which it appears was done, though slowly, the snow being taken from the streets into the squares, by no means a bad idea. The vote, however, did not pass without opposition, a Mr. Eldridge observing, with the acumen of a model vestryman, that the expenditure was a waste, as if the snow were let alone it would "melt away of itself." Quite so—at a cost to the residents of the parish, and its tradesmen in particular, of a thousand or two a day. We see that at a meeting of the Vestry on the follow- ing day this Mr. Eldridge was accused of opposing the removal of nuisances, of course with success. Perhaps he thinks they would melt away too, if only sufficiently let alone.