12 JANUARY 1901, Page 1

'Both Houses of the French Parliament met on Tuesday, and

M. Deschanel was re-elected President of the Chamber of Deputies by 296 votes as against 220 cast for M. Brisson. Competent observers, including M. de Blowitz, attach no special political significance to the result or to the slight falling off in the vote for M. Deschanel as compared with last year. They attribute his re-election to the conciliatory and tactful qualities he has shown daring his tenure of office. In the Senate the Session was opened by the aged M. Wallon, tempotall Presid, nt in virtue of his seniority, while in the Champer of Deputies 31. Rauline, a Bonapartist Deputy, exercising what he called the "ungrateful privilege" of age, made an eloquent appeal to his colleagues to do their utmost o abolish fratricidal hatred and to work for peace, harmony, and fraternity. The appeal was well received, but these courteous preliminaries, like the hand-shakings of prize- fighters, must not be taken to indicate a calm reception for the Government Bill against the religious Associations. over which the forces of Republicanism and of the clerico-military reaction will fight as they have never fought before. We can only repeat our regret that the battleground should be a measure which seeks to substitute secularist oppression for clerical domination.