News has this week been received of a very spirited
action performed by the Imperial Light Horse at Zandfontein. They were advancing up a hill which had previously been scouted by Hussars, without any trace of the enemy being found, when they were suddenly fired on by a body of Boers ambushed in the long grass. The Boers allowed the Hussars to pass, and then fired into the Imperial Light Horse at fifty yards' range. The Imperial Light Horse immediately dismounted, and after a tactical retirement, advanced, drove the enemy off, and took part of his convoy. There was no thought of surrender. The behaviour of this gallant corps throughout the war has been of a kind of which all Englishmen are, and have a right to be, proud. They have been fighting hard for a year, and their casualties have been terribly heavy, yet the oath never to lay down their arms has not, we believe,-been broken by a single surrender. The force is in fact as in name Imperial, for almost every section of the Empire is represented, including, of course, the Mother-country. Colonel Sampson, the commanding officer, and Major liarri- Davies, the second-in-command, were, it will be remembered, the two reformers who refused to petition Mr. Kruger for pardon, and who remained in prison till their gaoler was obliged, out of shame, to release them unconditionally. We trust that a really good history of the doings of the Imperia Light Horse will be prepared, and that, as a farther monn-
ment, that body will retain its corporate existence, and receive colours, or some such mark of distinction, from the Queen's own hands.