[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. • ] Sin,—The late vicar of
this parish, the Rev. W. H. Turner, who died in June 1896, aged ninety-three, connected the present with a remote past in a way historically quite as interesting as any of the persons mentioned in your article. He was the son of the Rev. Joseph Turner, Master of Pem- broke College, Cambridge, and Dean of Norwich, to whose care as tutor William Pitt was committed when he went up to Cambridge in 1773. The letter of commendation from the Earl of Chatham to Mr. Turner is printed by Lord Rosebery in his " Life of put." It was something to be the son of a man who had stood in loco parentis to the pilot who weathered the storm, but such a one was living here less than five years
ago.—I am, Sir, &c., C. S. T.
Banwell Vicarage, Somerset.