12 JANUARY 1934, Page 13

A Broadcasting Calendar

FRIDAY, JANUARY 12th tz Organ Recital from Downside Abbey: Dom Gregory

ay.. . . • . • - • • • • 5.55 J.C.C Stobart Memorial Cot and Tablet unveiled in Charing Cross Hospital..

7.10 Flowering Shrubs : The Hon. V. Sackville-West 7.3o The Scope and Variety of the Colonial Empire : Ifor L. Evans A Cambridge historian and economist who has made a special study of the Colonial Empire in Africa. 8 Concert of British Music (the last of the series) : B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra, Roy Henderson, Helen Perkin, Hoist, Delius, Ireland and others.

SATURDAY, JANUARY t3th 50.45 The Musical Switchback : Philip Thornton .. 7.5 Mr. Pewter Works It Out : A. P. Herbert's commentary on questions of the day through two characters of his creation. .

9.2o " Seven Days Hard " : another soliloquy on the events of the week by a celebrity not yet disclosed ..

9.25 // Trovatore, Acts III and IV, from the Old Vic ..


12.30 Recital for two Pianofortes : Edith Gunthorpe and Cecil Baumer 2.40 British Art : R. M. Y. Gleadowe The Art Master at Winchester in a new series which accom- panies the Exhibition at Burlington House. B.B.C. Pamphlet fully illustrated, strongly recommended.

5 Or Recital from Broadcasting House : Thalben Ball .. 5.3o The Two Gentlemen of Verona, with contemporary music on appropriate instruments ..

7.55 St. Martin-in-the-Fields : Rev. P. McCormick

9.5 London String Players cond. Herbert Menges, with Tapia-

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th 10.45 Life as I see It: The Marchioness of Reading 8.3o Singers of Yesterday : a programme of gramophone records 7.3o The Navy before the Great War-in Peace : Admiral Sir 10.5 The Weather House-The First Floor : R. A. Watson Watt N. 9 The National Trust for Scotland : Sir lain Colquhoun S.R. 8 The Industrious Exile : Professor H. J. Fleure N.R. 8 Symphony Concert-Romeo and Juliet, a Dramatic Sym- A popular explanation of what makes weather. The first of a new series of personal reflections and comments.

selected and introduced by Herman Klein L.R. an important series .. .. • • • • • • • • Chorus (Section A), Parry Jones and Enid Szantho .. N. Herbert Richmond gives his second historical preamble to phony by Berlioz : B.B.C. Orchestra (Section D), Wireless THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th

5.15 The Waterways of England-I. The Pageant of the Thames :

a new radio play by L. du Garde Peach .. N. 7.3o Industrial Britain-its People at Work : the first of Pro- fessor John Hilton's important surveys .. N. 7.3o The Hallo Concert : The Halld Orchestra cond. Pierre Monteux, with Lilli Krauss (pianoforte) .. N.R. Beethoven, Debussy, &c. 9.20 Foreign Affairs : Vernon Bartlett .. .. N. 9.35 Recital : Marguerite Natalia (soprano), Leon Goosseis (oboe), Etienne Amyot (pianoforte) .. .. N.

An interesting group in an attractive and varied programme. Foundations of Mune (6.30 N.)

Jan. 12. Bach's Well-tempered Klavicr : Frank Merrick. Jan. 15, 16, 57, 18. Mozart's Sonatas for Violin and Pianofortz David Wise and Eileen Joyce. Caballeeo (pianoforte)..

MONDAY, JANUARY 15th 10.45 Living in Cumberland : Wilfrid Roberts on the housewife of the Fells • • , 6.5o New Books : Desmond MacCarthy .. . 7.3o Scottish Character : Elizabeth Haldane, C.H., LL.D. .. 7.30 Students' Songs 8 Where's This ? Sounds of places as a test for listeners' ears Results at 9. 8 Points of View-I. Has Democracy Failed ? Discussion between Professor F. A. E. Crew and the Rt. Hon. Thomas Johnston .. 9.15 Recital : Enid Szantho (contralto), Vivian Langrish (piano) Schubert, Brahms, Schumann.

9.3o The Cities of China : Lady Hosie TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th 50.45 The Wise Penny-That Extra Money : Mrs. Pearl Adam.. 2.5 Round the Countryside-I. How old are They ? : Sir Peter Chalmers Mitchell talking to schools. 7.3o Scotland Today and Tomorrow-The Mining Industry : Charles C. Reed 8.3o Whither Britain ? : The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill fol- lows Mr. H. G. Wells in a personal forecast ..

9.20 Ghosts (Henrik Ibsen). A good cast produced by Val

9.3o Recital : Isobel Baillie (soprano) and Henry Hoist (violin) in a varied programme including a group of Rachmaninov

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