Official News It is satisfactory to know that the apprehensions
created in some quarters, and referred to in last week's Spectator, regarding the connexion of the new official German News Service with the great news agencies in various other countries have no foundation so far as Great Britain is concerned. While their Berlin office has access to the new News Service's output, as it had to the old Wolff Bureau's, Reuters actually receive their messages from Germany direct from their own staff in Berlin, the Berlin office serving as clearing-house for messages from Reuter correspondents throughout Ger- many. Information received through the German News Service is only one of several constituents in the news pool, and on that constituent, as on all others, discrim- inating British journalists put their own valuation, utilizing only such matter as their independent judgement may dictate. It is to be hoped, in view of the position of journalism in Germany today, that safeguards as adequate are applied by other national news agencies associated with the German News Service.
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