12 JANUARY 1951, Page 29


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct tolutton of this week's crossword to be opened of ter noon on Tuesday weds, "uttuary 23.d.


I. Just a matter, no doubt, of taking them into and out of the galleries. (6, 8.) 8. People's feet heard by Stevenson's child. (5, 2.) 10. A king who wasn't. (7.) 11. Made by Cottle. (4.) 12. Loud material. (5.) 13. Sauce for the coiner. (4.) 17. But this pugilist isn't rated on ton- nage. (7, 6.) 19. Suitable guests at a bump supper. (13.) 22. One of two that won't be a waiter. (4.) 23. Irish poet cut to the heart. (5.) 25. Excuse. (4.) 28. In which actions sometimes speak louder than words. (7.) 29. Her father might have been Simon. (7.) 30. It sounds as if I came ashore with the loot. (8, 6.)


2. Toothsome, as it were, and changes into cod. (7.) 3. Theme upon which Hilaire Belloc grew eloquent. (4.) 4. Work, three points short, becomes fluid. (5.) 5. A load of weed. (4.)

e. down the Ratcliffe Road ; drunk and raising Cain" (Kipling). (7.)

7. It's among the months oysters may be eaten in. (3.) P. Deterioration of the snooker player. (4, 2, 3.) 9. n defence the pct is displaced by he sun. (7.) 14. One might expect each one in Debrett to be. (5, 4.)

15. His night might precede an ember day. (s.)

16. A conundrum for the builder ? (5.) 18. A target arranged for display on water. (7.) 20. A politician in a bad temper. (7.) 21. Old hero showing the converse of where one may meet lobster. (7.) 24. The call for Tennyson. (5.) 26. Not to be tried in "Excelsior." (4.) 27. Some, said Gay, have outlived the doctor's. (4.) 25. Catch without honour. (3.)



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The winner cit Crossword No. 607 is The HON. Ma,. Hogicz. irsliham, Hams. 1 The Green, North