Crossword no.1308
Across 1 The Archbishop has a great race (12)
9 Inquiry as to agreeable environment for the well-dressed astronaut (5-4) 10 What use is an old-fashioned yashmak? (5) II A peep through the keyhole? (6) 12 'The silver, snarling — 'gan to chide' (Keats) (8)
13 One of Noyes's forty singers (6)
15 Acted with great spirit towards the snake (8)
18 Soft—the red, you know, turns blue! (8) 19 A case of everybody being in the rain (6)
21 Heights to be achieved by sticking close to your desks! (44)
23 Here's cash for junketing on the way back (6) 26 Three inescapable ladies (5) 27 Ever tried being brought back (9) 28 'The cure for admiring the — was to go and look at it,' Bagehot reported (5, 2, 5) Down 1 A noble Scottish heir is in control (7) 2 The sound of 22 Harrovians (5) 3 Spring millinery (5-4) 4 It's all work to make soup (4) 5 Drastic advice from the severe dramatic critic? (8) 6 'Glorious the trumpet and —' (Smart) (5) 7 Sullied when not well treated (3-4) 8 Baton-bearer (8) 14 What Cleopatra's Needle is in a big way (8) 16 Like the act of that daring young man (9) 17 Aries leaves for the defences (8) 18 Ruth's operative adjective? (7) 20 Art dies when vituperation's allowed (7) 22 Drink to love, says the poet (5) 24 '— glad confident morning again!' (Brown- ing) (5)
25 The Emperor does give a hoot! (4)