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MoNmAve—Alehouse Licensing Bill, read a third time and passed. Petition from Edinburgh College of Surgeons, for alteration in the laws operating against the study of anatomy. Petitions from Agriculturists against Foreign Wool. Election Polls Bill, in Committee. Petition from Londonderry against the Irish Promissory Notes Bill. Irish Butter Trade: Conversation between Marquis of Ormond, Duke of Wellington, Earl of Limerick, and Marquis of Lansdown. • Scotch and Irish Pro- missory Note Bill, read a third time and passed—with a clause to exempt private drafts on bankers from the operation of the Bill : Speakers on the question—Duke of Wellington; Lord Redesdale, Lord Ellenborough, Earl of Rosslyn ; Earl of Car- narvon, Lord Clifden, Lord Calthorpe ; the last three in opposition. TUESDAY.—Several Bills brought up from the Commons, and toe Corn Bill with their Lordship's amendments agreed to. Constabulary Act Amendment Bill, and Charing Cross Improvement Bill, read a first time. Itegiary of Deeds pill (Ire. land,) and Election Polls Bill, read a third time and passed. Petition from John Grant praying for trial by Jury, Sce., in New South Wales. Petitions from the Kelp-growers of Cornwall and the North-west of Ireland, and from the Glovers of Yeovil, praying for protection. Report on the Irish Promissory Notes Bill agreed to; third reading on Tuesday next.
WEDNESDAY.-Longitude Acts Repeal, New South Wales, and Irish Consta- bua ry Acts Bills, read a second time. TUURSDAY.-Petition from Moses Lyon Levi, for Removal of Civil Disabilities. Regent's Park Improvement, Irish Constabulary, and Longitude Bills-in Com- mittee. FainAv.-Charing-Cross Improvement Bill read a second time. Petitions from Shipowners of Kingston on Hull, for Redress of Grievances ; from Berwick-upon- Tweed, in favour of Small Notes ; from Wellington, against Slavery. Standing Order regarding Joint Stock Companies, moved by Lord Wharncliffe, to stand over till next session. Petitions against Slavery, and notice of a motion for Tues- day, by Lord Calthorpe. East and West India Sugar Duty-Petition for equaliza- tion.
MONDAY-Petitions-from Clonakilly, Leicester, and Essex, against Negro Sla-
Very ; from Edinburgh against the Attorney's tax ; from Stowe-on-the-Wold, in fa- vour of the Small Notes. Indian Insolvents and Criminal Justice Bills-reconsi- dered in Committee. Warden of Cinque Ports Bill-read a second time. Committee of Supply-Ordnauce Estimates discussed by Mr. Hume, Sir Henry Hardinge, Mr. Maberly, Sir Joseph Yorke, Mr Monck, Mr. Secretary Peet, Mr. M. Fitzgerald, Mr. Bankes, Mr. Warburton, Mr. L. Foster, Sir II. Parnell, Mr. Waithman, Mr. W. Horton, Mr. V. Stuart, Mr. Croker, Mr. Stanley, Sir E. Owen, Mr. Robinson, Lord John Russel, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Baring, Lord Howick, Mr. Husk isson : motion by Mr. Maberly to abate by X4500 the vote for the Trigonometrical Survey of Ire- land, negatived by 320 to 9 ; division on the vote of .X30,000 for Military Works in Canada-vote carried by 126 to 51. The House adjourned at three o'clock. TOES DAY.-Petitions from Londonderry, complaining of Orange processions ; from butter-makers of Dundalk, praying for regulation ; from Woodstock, foe pro- tection to the Glove Trade ; from Taunton for protection to the Silk-Trade ; from merchants and traders of Londonderry, fur remission of the duty of Is. 74d. a ton on Coals ; from the landholders of Aberdeenshire, for an amendment of the Excise laws ; from the owners of Leith Smacks, for relief from excise on articles sold to passengers between Leith and London ; from a hundred in Sussex, in favour of small notes ; from the Attorneys and Solicitors, for better accommodation in the Courts of Westminster ; from the inhabitants of Newport, and from a Dissenting Congregation in Moorlields, against the Additional Churches Bill ; from the mann. faeturers of French kid gloves in London against those in France; from the Rev. Robert Taylor, against religious prosecutions: from Harleston (Norfolk,) Castle Dorrington, Cheltenham, Clergy of Ely, from Glamford Briggs (Lincoln,/ Wednes- bury (Stafford,) Sheffield, Hastinglield (Cambridge,) Uxbridge, Thornbury, Melks- ham; Peekhatn, Chatham, Gravesend, Stroud, Wellingborough (Northamptonshire,) Keighly (Yorkshire,) Tewkesbury, Edinburgh, signed by 24,000 persons, Bristol and Montrose, against the Slave Trade. Address on the State of Ireland-Lord John Russell to move on the 17th. Additional Churches Bill-Committal postponed for three months, on the motion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Committee on Acts affecting Catholics and Dissenters passed since the Union-Notice of motion with- drawn by Mr. W. Horton ; to be renewed next session. Military punishments in New South Wales-Mr. Stewart's motion for papers agreed to after some remarks from Sir George Murray, Sir C. Cole, Mr. Hume, and Sir. M. Fitzgerald. Drainage of Bogs in Ireland-Leave given to Mr. Brownlow to bring in a Bill. Illusory appoint- ments-Leave given to Mr. Sugden to bring in a Bill to amend the law. Superannu- ation allowances-House in Committee : Bill to amend the Act relative to civil pen- sions, tke., and pensions to Ministers on Foreign stations, moved for by the Chan- cellor of Exchequer, seconded by Mr. Hume ; Conversation continued between Sir H. Hardinge, Mr. Mooch, Mr. W. Smith, Mr. Peel, and Mr. 'Witithinan ; leave granted. Ordnance estimates-Report of Committee of Supply brought up : various amendments moved by Air. Hume, but not pressed to a division ; other Speakers- Sir H. Hardinge, Mr. Maberly,.131r. Goulburn, Mr. E. Davenport, Mr. Robinson, Mr. W. Smith, Mr. Waithman, Mr. F. Palmer, Mr. Mooch, Mr. Ward, Sir H. W. Ridley, Mr. Benett, Sir E. Owen. Corporate Funds Bill-Report received : Bill supported by Mr. S. Rice, Mr. Maberly, Mr. D. Gilbert, Mr. H. Gurney ; opposed by Mr. Fyler, Colonel Sibthorpe, Mr. Ross, Mr. G. Banks, Mr. Grant, Mr. C. N. l'allmer ; Mr. Fyler's amendment to postpone the third reading for three months, negatived by 39 to 11. Indian Insolvent Bill-Report agreed to. Irish Butter trade Bill- read a second time. The House adjourned at a quarter before two.
DAY.-Petitions-from Olney, Bucks, and Carlisle, against slavery ; from the fish curers of I3lontrose, in favour of a fish bounty ; from Leeds and from Blackburn, against the Additional Churches bill ; from the stage coach proprietors of London, complaining of the state of the roads between London and St. Albans ; from Charles Pearson, solicitor, against some of the provisions of a law now in progress, giving fees to sheriffs in Ireland. Committee, Bombay Marine, Slave Removal, Customs Bill, Sugar Duties, and Military and Naval Pensions' Act, Insolvent Debtvrs' (India), India Criminal Justice Bill, and Game Bill read a third time and passed. Committee-on Church Benefices Bill, and Prerogative Court of Canterbury Bill. Fa to-ay.-Petitions-from Birmingham, Malden, Loughborough, and Malmes-
bury, against Slavery ; from Leamington against the Small Note Act ; from the burgesses of East Retford, praying that their franchise should not be extended to the neighbouring hundreds ; from Rochdale, furs minimum of wages ; from the executors of Mr. Kearnes of Bristol, and from persons in Devon, complaining of their claims on the French Government not having been paid ; from Dewsbury, against the Additional Churches Bill ; from Lincoln, for further protection of wool ; from Sussex, relative to the duty on wool ; from a person of the name of Hallett that all debts contracted for the necessaries of life should not be recoverable at law. Drainage of bogs in Ireland, to be read a second time this day three months. Natu- ralization Bill passed. Turnpike Bill-notice of motion in next session, for reso- lutions tu prevent payment of fees en the renewal of Turnpike Bills The Budget- The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Maberly, Mr. Leyeester, Mr. 'fume, Mr. Monett, Mr. Ward, Mr. Berries, Sir H. Parnell, Mr. P. Thompson: East Retford Disfranchisement, and East Retford Freemen Bill abandoned for the session.