The dissolution of the Cabinet has not been without effect en the Money Market. A decline of rather more than 1 per cent. occurred in the price of consols; which have been as low as 9-11, hot have since rallitd to 921, and close this afternoon at 92i 4. The marktt has been rather steady for the last two days. The issue of money consequent upon the payment of the Dividend a has entirely removed the pressure which existed a few days ago; and but for the political events of the week, we have very little doubt the pr.ces of Stocks
generally would have been higher than our last quotations. he change of Ministry has produced a great effect on the price of Spanish Stock. To the new order of things in the Peninsula, the establishment of a Tot y Government in this country would have been in all probability fatal. In such contingency
the acknowledgment of the Cortes debt would be reduced to little more than ., probability, and the chance of immediate recognition entirely destroyed. Th. prim of Spanish Stock fell on Wednesday to 47 ; and yesterday afternoon, on in being rumoured that the state of public health in Spain had caused the post ponement of the meeting of the Coates, and that a change had mimed in tls Ministry, the prire declined to 461. The opening price this morning was but it decline to 431 speedily occurred. From that point the market rallied 451, and closes at -Fr, 444. The settlement of the Account take place e; Wednesday next, when it is anticip Aed that the delivery of Stock will be vela large; and unless sonic new and more favourable circumstances should arise. we cannot anticipate any very great improvement in pi ice until after that period. On Saturday last, after thc Irairs of busiuess, 51. MEN MIA BA I. arrived in town from Lisbon, bringing with him a decree to which we alluded some tint' ago, by which the Government authorizes the reception of the Bonds of de recent loan at par, in peyment of the purchase-money of national and clerica. property, large sales of whit are now going on. The immediate result of thi, intelligence was to give an impulse to the Stock ; and the price of the Bonds or Monday was as high as 89A ; since which it has been at 861; not after fluctuat- ing between 87 and 89, closes at 871 l•
The Russian, Danish, and other Continental. Stocks, are nearly at our Iasi quotations. Brazilian was in demand iu the early part of the week ; and wa• on Monday as high 821. The price has since been as low as 791, and clos,s this afternoon at 791.
The intelligence received on Tuesday frem Mexico was of a very unfavourahl, character. General SA N TA ANNA has opposed the passing of a decree by the Genc- ral Congress for the sale of the Church property-, and had abruptly dissolved thv body. The price of Bonds hits been at .14, and is stow 424 431. By recoil advices from N'enezuela, we find that no progress had been made in the appor tionment of the Debt among the three divisions into which the republic of Columbia has become divided : that apportionment being still delayed by th, absence of the Commissioner for the state of the Equator. The Senate ti N'enezuela had, however, taken sonic measures for providing for their purtiou ol the Debt. The price of Bonds is lower than last week ; being 31 32. Sont. inquiry has occurred for Del Monte Shares, which have improved about 21- being 136. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCAL The Consol Market continues qeady with little fluctuation. In the Fureig, Market, the panic in Spanish Stock still continues; the price has been as low As 411, and after touching 431, is now 42i1z -13. The Portuguese Bonds are alt, affected, having been as low as851, lint have since improved to 86?i 87. Na reports are current as to the finanation of the Ministry.
The Spanish and Portuguese Markets still confirm: depressed. The dulness of the latter is partly attributable to the departure of Don CA R Los for Spain; whi• ther he is stated to have gene to put himself at the head of the insurgets. In telligenee has been received from Lisbon, by which it appears that the health n! Don Primo was very bad ; which, together with the notification of the issue ef the last million of the lean, has produced the decline of price in the Stock.
3 per Cent. Consols titto for Account New 31 per Cent. Anuuities Bank Stock for Acet India Stock thr Acct.
Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents Jlrazihiati5perCculs Danish 3 per Cente
911 92+ 1 21'4 99974;i41,5-14 49 50 794 741 1 Ittitetu21 per Cents. ex. div
Preuell :1 per Cents Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents.
Portuguese 5 per Cents Do. liegeney Seri p,3 per Cent Prussia rait-; i S. 5 per Cent
It ussjan, 15325 per Cent
Spanish, 18e1, 5 per Cent 511 - 421 43 861 $8 56e et - 1051 61 421