12 JULY 1834, Page 11


" Sia-The account in your last viper of the cruel ease of the two olel men im- prisoned in the Essex gaol fur a debt tie,' by the pat kit of Chingfuol, will. I should hope, make many of your readers anxious to know whether any measures arc taken or likely to he taken to procure their releaee. ('flu uothiag be done to persuade or oblige the Parish to perform au act of mew iuei ice by pay tug its debt ? If not, is not the case one whiell 18 mild be relieved by the Satiety for the Discharge of Small Debts, if it were hid before them ? 01, it' the debt is too large for them to pay, could not a sub- scription be raised to pay it ; or at least to pay so much as would bring the debt down to a stun small enough to cut itle the sufferers to be relieved by tile Society ? Hoping that you or some of emir readers will like up this diet ressing ease, if it is not aheady in a way to be relieved, 1 remain, Sir.