Dissensions have broken out in the French Cabinet. The ap-
pointment of the Duke DE CAZES to be Governor of Algiers is sup- ported by TRIERS, GUIZOT, and most of the Ministers ; but obsti- 'lately opposed by SOULT,—who is said to have a personal dislike to the Duke, arising from the recollection of certain indignities put upon him during the Administration of DE CAZES, under Louts the Eighteenth. The quarrel was not made up when the last accounts left Paris.
M. Dump; has returned to France, and speaks so warmly in favour of British political institutions, that his reelection to the Speakership of the new Chamber is said to be put in jeopardy. Such Liberal notions as he now disseminates, are not relished by the slavish majority of the Juste Milieu. It is now arranged that the Chambers are to meet on the 31st of this month ; the returns of the members are to be verified, and, after a session of a few days, a prorogation is to take place. Thus the terms of the Charter will he complied with, and France will not be without a regularly-constituted Parliament for more than three months.
The retirement of M. HUMANN, and the probable nomination of M. DUCHATEL to his post of Finance Minister, are talked of in Paris. Should this arrangement be made, it is supposed that the Ministry of Commerce would be attached to that of the Interior, and thus again be under the control of the illiberal THIERS. We hope that no such change will take place.