12 JULY 1834, Page 9


Mr. Cadwallader Waddy, time Repealer, and some years ago a Captain in the 65th Foot, was elected for IS'exford, by a majority of 71. on the 3d instant. It was expected that the tenants of Lord Temple- more would have voted for Mr. Harvey, the Whig candidate; but the eloquence of Father Kavanagh, a Catholic priest, gained them over at the critical hour, to the side of the Repealer, and their votes turned the scale. Two Conservative landlords, Mr. Morgan and Mr. Rowe, supported Mr. AVaddy ; the rest were neutral. The Irish Corre- spondent of the Courier says—" At ;no previous election has so acrimo- nious a feeling beet. generated between the landlords and their tenants. It is even vaunted by tine Agitation Press, that the voters of the lower class manifested the greatest satisfaction in) being opposed to their landlords.

Mr. Barrett, the editor of tha Pilot, was liberated from Kilmainham Gaol on Monday, after having suffered six months' imprisonment.