12 JULY 1834, Page 9

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The salaries of tine Judges in the Court of Session are to be in- creased ; those of the heads of the two Inner Courts to 50001 each, and those of the other Judges to 30001. ; all the Judges to do duty as Lords of Session, Justiciary, and Jury Court. It is also proposed that any Judge of the age of seventy.five, who has done duty for fifteen ye:ifs, shall be allowed to retire on full salary. The following Judges may, and very likely will, avail themselves of this privilege : Lord President Hope, Lords Gleniee, Balgray, Gillies, and Cringleties —Edinburgh Evening Post. The notorious Ilobkirk job, in which the Honourable Captain Elliot, M. P. for Roxburginshire, has cut so unenviable a figure, is at length brought to a termination ; and we regret to say, one the very opposite of its deserts, time Presbytery of Jedburgh having on Friday last ordained tine Reverend John Ewen, in whose behalf the living had been bestowed for electioneering considerations, minister of the parish.— Carlisle Patriot.