12 JULY 1845, Page 12

The packet-ship Rochester arrived at Liverpool last night, with accounts

from New York to the 21st Jane. It is positively announced that the Honourable Mr. liPLane, of Baltimore, had been appointed Special Minister to England, and that he would take his departure for this country on the 15th July. Several meetings had been held throughout the Union to pay a tribute of respect to General Jack- son; who had recently expired, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. A fire, which broke out at Fayetteville, on the 15th June, had reduced nearly half the town to ruins.

Advices from Laguaym, of May the 29th, announce the arrival of intelligence that the independence of Venezuela had at last been recognized by Spain, and that a treaty of peace and amity had been entered into between the two nations. The Brazilian Jorpol do Comercio of the 3d May, received at Liverpool from Rio yesterday, states that a resolution had been adopted in the Lower House, on the second discussion of the budget, imposing upon cotton manufactures of British origin destined ior consumption an extra duty on the amount recoverable by the

general tariff of 20 per cent; which duty, however, the Government is authorized to suspend immediately that the restrictions upon the importation of Brazilian sugar into this country are abandoned.—Times.