12 JULY 1851, Page 7

CbT rtslittrra.

The writ for Knaresbarough election was „received on Tuesday. The nomination was to take place today ; and the poll, if it be demanded, will be on Monday. The candidates are Mr. Watson, Q.C., on the. Liberal side ; and J. Collins junior, a young barrister, resident, and much re- spected in the town, on the Conservative and Protectionist side. The election for Arundel will also, we suppose, take place next week ; as the writ has already been issued two days.

The proceedings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science have been less interesting this year than in former seasons. The presence of Prince Albert raised a local excitement, but even that feature of the programme did not suffice to maintain at the average height the attractiveness of the gathering. The Great F.ehibition seems to have comparatively extinguished the local association : accordingly, the pro- ceedings were truncated, and terminated earlier by a day than they would otherwise have done. The excursions on Saturday were without features of interest to those who were not present. On Monday, 'Dr. Daubeny read a paper to the Chemical section, in which he objected to the com- plicated and uncertain nomenclature of our chemists—some of their names extend to thirteen syllables. He proposed a new nomenclature; and one is amused -to road that under his improved system you would have to learn such words as "diethychlophenemine." On Tuesday, the Astronomer Royal delivered a discourse on the eclipse of the sun which will take place on the 28th instant, and be nearly total at-the latitude of London. Captain Johnson read a paper on the deflection of compasses caused by telescope iron funnels in steam-ships : the concentric arrangement of the slides of the funnel when shut up causes a deflection quite unex- pected, and disproportioned to that caused by the funnel when it is drawn up to its full height ; the difference would make a vessel run from fifty to seventy miles out of her'true course in twenty-four hours. On Wednes- day, the proceedings were somewhat hastily wound up. It is stated that the sum received was " not satisfactory "—but 620/. The Association adjourned till August 1852; when the annual meeting will be held in

Belfast. •

About two:hundred of the miners in the coal-pits of Earl Granville in North Staffordshire are "on strike." In consequence of depression in the -coal and iron trades, the Earl's agent intended to reduce wages, and to in- troduce some new regulations; whereupon the men struck. Others are ex- Footed to, follow thei7example, as the masters generally are supposed to me- ditate a reduction of wages. The miners parade the towns, expressing in- dignation, but amt. indulging in violent acts.

At the Winchester Quarter-Sessions, last week, twelve men were indicted for.riot atHyde during the recent election for the Isle of Wight. The evi- dence did not show that they indulged in more than the customary lieenoe of an election; and they were acquitted.

A number of the soldiers who rioted and assailed the Police at Liverpool have been fined by the Magistrates, with imprisonment in default of pay- ment; others, as the evidence was not conclusive, were discharged. The Ninety-first Regiment left Liverpool on Saturday.

The Twenty-eighth Regiment, which has succeeded the Ninety-first, seems disposed to emulate its bad conduct. A collision with the Police has already arisen. A soldier attacked a constable ; more of each force came up, and a,general struggle ensued; but the Police showed much forbearance, and eventually the soldiers were taken into custody by a picket, and marched to .the barracks. It is said that a court-martial will be held on some of the officers of the Ninety-first Regiment, on the charge of being absent from duty when, the late conflicts were waging between the men of that regiment and the Liverpool constabulary.

Mr..,Caudwell, of Oxford, has been committed for trial for "wilfully and maliciously" shooting at Mr..Ross, " with intent to do him some, grievous bodily harm." The Vice-Chancellor of the -University admitted him to baiL Hayden, the foreman of a brick-yard belonging to the Earl of Leicester at Holkham, has been murdered by Henry Groom, a man also employed on the estate. Hayden, though not a brickmaker' had been appointed foreman, Which caused some dissatisfaction. Groom had been employed for years at the Earl's : formerly he was steward's-room boy ; but from an accident to his arm, and deafness, he was obliged to take to out-door labour; he had been in the brick-yard, whence he was discharged by the foreman; then he obtained work in the making of a terrace at Holkham Hall. Last Friday, Groom seems to have lain in wait for Hayden, remaining in. a clay-pit till he came by in his donkey-cart ; it is supposed-that he had enticed Hayden into the.pit on some pretence, and then shot him dead with a pistol loaded with ball. The donkey was found wandering about with the cart; search was made, and the corpse of the foreman was found in the pit lying in a pool of bleed. Hayden had been to obtain money to pay the workmen—•151. ; that money and his watch had been taken. As Groom was seen in the pit by a gentleman a short time before the murder, suspicion instantly fell on kin. Ile was quickly arra ;tea at his home, and the and money and watch were found upon hi n. A pistol recentlytly discharged was discovered in the house. The murdered man was in h s thn ty-aecond year, and has left a wife and child ; the assassin is forty-ni te. and married. It is believed that the murder sprang-from a vindictive feeling, and that the robbery was a mere accessory to the greater crime. A ease of revolting cruelty has come to light at The Police heard that Esther Swinnerton, a girl of seventeen, was badly treated by her step- mother. The officers went to.the house, and found her in a damp cellar, in a shocking condition. She was taken to the workhouse, and died-a few days after. At the inquest, the surgeon of the workhouse stated that-the deceased was a cripple trona curvature of the spine ; she was in an advanced stage of consunotone 'but deathrhad been hastened by diarrhoea and inflammation, the result of neglect, want of nourishment, and confinement in a dampoellar.

Several witnesses described the treatment.of the girl by her father and step. mother. The man is a collier, and the woman kept a small ware shop : the husband, though he did not sufficiently protect his daughter, does not appear to have ill-treated her himself; in fact, his wife was " master" ; he once talked of destroying himself, from domestic unhappiness. With regard to the stepmother, the disclosures showed most atrocious °ended towards the " cripple." The Coroner pointed out, that if the stepmother wilfully acce- lerated the girl's death, she was guilty of murder. Twelve out of the thirteen Jurymen found a verdict of " Wilful murder against Elizabeth Swinnerton.'

Nine miners have died from the effects of an explosion in Mr. Dudley's colliery at Cradley. The air was being tested with a safety-lamp at the mo- ment of the explosion.

The people employed at the Aberdare Iron and Coal Company met to vote an address to Mr. Fothergill, their employer, on account of late " shameful attacks" upon him. The address was voted, and the workers, some 1800, proceeded towards the gentleman's house to present it. On their route, they had to cross a tramway on a declivity ; as the crowd moved over it, a waggon loaded with iron dashed into them, spreading death or mutilation. It seems that the waggon had become detached at the top of the incline. The man in charge of the trucks was taken into custody. At least three persons were killed on the spot.

Griffith, a fireman, has been killed, and Valentine, a driver, so badly hurt that he will most probably die, by an explosion of a locomotive at Liver- pool, as it was drawing a train from the station. It appeared at the inquest that the disaster arose from a want of water iu the boiler : the engine was in good order, and had been recently inspected. It is probable that a verdict implicating the driver would have been returned but for his hopeless condi- tion : the Jury found that the fireman had been killed " by the explosion of a locomotive boiler, but that there was no evidence to show the cause of that explosion."

duet after an express-train had started from Leeds for London, a luggage- train of the Leeds and Thirsk line ran into it while attempting to cross the London rails. A van and two carriages were smashed to pieces. Several passengers were cut and bruised, but fortunately all escaped dangerous wounds. Blame falls upon the driver of the luggage-train.

A little boy employed at the Aberdulais Iron-works having inadvertently approached within the sweep of an enormous pair of shears worked by steam, his head wes cut off in an instant, and rolled upon the floor.