Some information given by a Waterford paper of last week indicates that the enoemous mining resources of Ireland—which are perhaps greater than those of Scotland, Wales, and South-western England combined— are attracting the attention of the keenest and at the same time the most powerful English capitalists. It is a good augury for Ireland when Messrs. Rothschild and Baring turn from quicksilver and cotton specula- tions in Spain and the United States, to mining adventures on the estates of the Marquis of Waterford in Ireland. The Waterford News of Friday had this intelligence from Kilmaethomas- "Mining agents and inspectors from the firm of Rothschild and Baring, of England, are almost every second day visiting and inspecting the newly-dis- covered mines, and are seeing the Marquis of 'Waterford this week, on whose property they are, to make the necessary arrangements with him and to be- gin to work them at once. Judging from all the circumstances which have already transpired relative to these works, it is extremely probable that, in the course of a month or so, 2000 or 3000 of our poor starving labourers will be employed in these valuable works ; and nowhere is to be found a finer or
more honest set of labourers than live in the vicinity of these mines The three mines are situated in the parish of Clonea, in this county, and when opened will drain the parishes of Newton, Portlaw, Fews, Clonee, and Rathgormic, of the masses of idle and wretched labourers who are strewn in such a horrible condition on the road-side, like so much useless lumber or the dead bodies of a vanquished army on the field of battle."