12 JULY 1856, Page 11


On Monday, Ministers carried the second reading of the Appellate Jurit- diction Bill by a majority of 49 (191 to 142). On Thursday, the bill was practically lost' a majority of 22 (155 to 133) voting in favour of Mr. Raikes Curries amendment to refer the measure to a Select Committee.

The second reading was carried by the combined force of 112 Conserva- tives, acting under the leadership of Mr. Disraeli, Sir John Pakington, Mr. Walpole, Sir Frederick Thesiger, and other Members of the old Derby Ad- ministration ; 61 Members usually classed among the Liberal party ; and_ 28 placemen. The minority, with the exception of a few Conservatives— amongst them, Lord Hotham, Lord Henry Lennox, Mr. James Macgregor, and Mr. Michell--consisted of the stanchest of the Ministerial party. The defeat on Thursday was brought about by 118 Liberals and 37 Con- servatives, (in all 1550 mustering against 30 Liberals, 75 Conservatives, and 28 plaeemen (in all 133).

Few of those who supported the bill on the second reading voted for Mr. Currie's amendment. Among those who did so vote, were Sir Andrew Ag- new Mr. Antrobus, Sir Archibald Campbell, Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Henley, Mr. John Macgregor, Mr. Mangles, and Mr. Moffatt. Of those who voted against the second reading of the bill on Monday, a considerable number were absent on Thursday. New names swelled the majority by which the bill was defeated. Amongst them were Mr. Alcock, Mr. Badlie, Mr. Bass, Mr. James Bell, Mr. William Biggs, Mr. Cairns, Sir George Dashwood, Sir James Duke, Mr. W. J. Fox, Mr. Milner Gibson, Mr. Gladstone Mr. Glyn, Lord Robert Grosvenor Mr. Hutt, Mr. Ingham, Sir John John; '

Johnstone, Mr. W. S. Lindsay, Mr. Masterman, Mr. Miall, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Robert Phillimore, Mr. Scholefiekl, Mr. Tite. - Among those Liberals who were present on both occasions, opposing the second reading and voting for Mr. Currie's amendment, were Sir Francis Baring, Mr. Barnes Mr. W. E. Baxter, Mr. Adam Black, Mr. Bonham Carter, Mr. Brotherion, Mr. William Brown, Mr. Byn••' Mr. Cardwell, Sir William Clay, Mr. Cobbett, Mr. Cowan' Mr. George Duncan Mr. Ewurt, • Mr. Joseph Ewart, Colonel Ferguson, Mr. Joseph Ferguson, Lord Goderich, Mr. Gordon, Sir James Graham, Mr. Hadfield, Mr. Hankey, Mr. Alexander Hastie' Mr. Ileadlam, Mr. Ingram, Mr. Locke King, Mr. Kinnaird, Mr. Langston, Mr. Langton, Mr. Layard Mr. Locke Mr. Maguire, Mr. Monek- . ton Mines, Sir George Pechell, Mr. Pellatt, Su- Erskine Perry, Mr. John Phillimore, Mr. Pilkington, Mr. Philip Price, Mr. Osman B,lleardo, Mr. Samson Ricardo, Mr. Rice, Mr. Rich, Mr. Roebuck, Lord John Russell, Sir John Shelley, Dlr. J. B. Smith, Sir W. Somerville, Mr. Strutt, Mr. Thorne- ly, Sir Joshua Wahnsley, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Williams, Mr. Stuart Wort- ley.