There have been very few variations this week in Government Securities: upon the average there has been no retrograde movement, but eirciun- stances have occurred (only temporary, it is presumed) to moderate the otherwise buoyant feeling. Amon these may be enumerated an over- abundance of Stock, through sales of Console upon. the reopening of the transfer-books on Monday ; the necessary 'preparations for arrangement of . the Account on Thursday, causing attention to be diverted. from gene- ral business ; the recent export of specie to India. and other places, and the continued remittances of gold to Paris in payment for silver, and pur- chases of Rentes. Until these shipments shall cease, it is now thought im- probable there will be any further reduction in the Bank rate of discount. Consols have ranged from 95f to 95k: today they are 95f I for Money, and 95f f for the Account. The supply of Stock will probably be soon absorbed by the investments that usually take place after the dividends have been re- ceived: these became payable to the public on Wednesday. There is no alteration in Bank Stock. Exchequer Bills are Is. lower.
Money has been rather more in demand on the Stock Exchange, but in the discount-market there has been no alteration. The French Funds have been flat, through the stoppage of the bank of Messrs. Alliez, Grand, and Co,. and a report of unfavourable news from Algiers.
The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England for the month ending 7th June, was 10,855,4361.; an increase of 1,062,3.55/. compared with the preceding month, but a decrea- of 6,457,978/. compared win ties same time Last year.
The Corn-Market has been dull. The gold and specie arrivals have com- prised 315,000/. and 150,000 dollars from New York, (the miter portion of the first sum it is expected, will be sent, to Paris,) 50,500/. from Aus- tralia, and 50,000/. from Brazil. Among the exports, 100,000/. is believed to have been drawn from the Bank for transmission by the Brazilian steamer. From a statement issued by Mr. James Low, the shipments of specie from - England to India, China, Egypt, and Malta, for the half-year just expired, form the large total of 5,100,6331.: of this amount 201,7201. was gold, and 4,898,908/. silver.
In Foreign Stocks there has been rather less activity, but the leading securities have been maintained and in some cases have improved. Dutch Four, Russian Five' and Buenos Ayres, are 1 better ; Turkish Four per Cents, f better. Turkish Six per Cents are lower. Accounts from Lisbon state that the arrangement between Mr. Thornton and Senhor Fontes regarding the Portuguese debt is not agreeable to the new Cabinet. It object: to the additional 1 per cent which was to have been paid when the revenues could admit of it. .Mr. Thornton has received a communication from Lord Claren- don, referring to information from Mr. Howard, her Majesty's Minister at Lisbon, suggesting some modification in the terms. Half per cent definite, instead of one per cent indefinite, is now named ; such increase to be pay- able in 1863. If this meet the views of the Government, Mr, Thornton, at a meeting of proprietors, will recommend its adoption. Railways have been less buoyant, through a cessation of speculative pur- chases: flatness was observed until Wednesday, when they rallied a little ; but they have since receded. Compared with last week, the following difference is shown. Bristol and Exeter 2/., Great Northern U. 10s. better ; East Lancashire 3/., South-Eastern 1/. 108.' London and North-Western, and Midland, U. 5s., Great Western 10s. Lancashire and Yorkshire 5s. lower. In Foreign Shares, Great Central of France is 16s., Paris and Orleans 108. higher; Western and North-Western of France have fallen 10s.
The English Funds are steady this morning at the closing quotations of
last evening ; Consols for Money are 95f f and for Account 94 Exche- quer Bills 16 19 premium. In the bullion return by the Ii.nk of England there is a decrease of 462,8161. The returns of the Bank of France for the past month are unfavourable the bullion has declined 1,800,0001., and it now amounts to about 9,300,000/. : 13,300/. was paid within the month as loss on purchases of gold from this side. Foreign Stocks present no altera- tion. Railways are a little lower—Eastern Counties, 101 ; Great Western, 62k; London and North-Western, lon.
The English Funds leave off stronger at an improvement of 1 ; Consols for Money are 951 / and for Account 951 6. Exchequer Bills are 2s. higher, being now 18 21 premium.. Exchequer Bonds 10044. In Foreign Stocks, Mexican has advanced 4; Buenos Ayres has been done at 88; Spanish Certificates 6/ 1. Railways are slightly better—Eastern Counties, 10k; Great Northern, 95l; Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 1111; Great Western, -64 ; Lancinihire and Yorkshire, 98; London and North-Western, 107; London and South-Western, 1064; Midland, 84; North British, 371; North- Eastern—Berwick, 874; South-Eastern, 731 ; South Wars, 84; Northern of France, 45k; Paris and Lyons, 601. Joint Stock Banks—Bank of Egypt, 14; Commercial of London, 324; English, Scottish, and Aus- tralian CharterA 184; London and County, 334; New South Wales, 471; Ottoman Bank, 14; -Union of Australia, 731. Miscellaneous—Canada Go- vernment 6 per Cent January and July, 1144; Crystal Palace, 24; London General Omnibus Company, 44; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 671.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account
.3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities
954 952 a RS 1 9547 3 5-16
Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Permian 41 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 646 exd. 96 8 221 31 813 57 9 Bank Stock 217 19 Portuguese 4 per Cents 49 51 ex d.
Exchequer Bills 18 21 pm Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 India Stock 232 5 . Ditto 41 per Cents 98100exd.
Austrian 5 per Cents 87 90 ex d Spanish 3 per Cents 451 61 arazilian 5 per Cents 101 3 Ditto Deferred
24 4 Belgian 41 per Cents
95 7
Sardinian 5 per Cents
91 3
Milian 6 per Cents 104 6 Swedish 4 per Cents
85 8
Danish 5 per Cents
103 5
Turkish 6 per Cents
Danish 3 pe Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed
115I 11.
The ftrst general meeting of the Bank of London was held on Tuesday. The proprietors appear to have been well satisfied with the position end pro- gress of the bank. Out of the 37,417/. carried to the credit of the "profit and loss" account, a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent per annum was de- clared, 8000/. was put aside as the commencement of a reserve-fund, and 2500L was presented to the Directors for their ten months' services : the re- mainder being devoted to the payment of current expenses, rebate of inte- rest, and reduction of building and preliminary expenses. The assets of the bank on the 30th June were 1,701,2591.; the current and deposit accounts -amounted to 1,363,8411. Three auditors were elected from the body of the shareholders.
. The Colonial Bank has declared a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. The bank is reported to be making good progress.
The Alliance (French and English) Bank had a special meeting on Wed- needay. The object was to show that during the four months the bank has 'een in operation a fair profit has been obtained, and that the opposition of some shareholders who refuse to pay calls is not reasonable. The arrears of calls are 12,0001.; 88,000/. of the capital has been paid-up. A resolution was passed recommending - the French Directors to forfeit shares that shall beta arrear on the 1st of August. . The Directors of the Unity Bank have called a meeting of proprietors for the 22d instant, to consider a proposal for the extension of the capital. It is proposed to ask for power to increase the nominal capital to 2,000,000!.; which would enable the bank to make such augmentations from time to time as should be deemed expedient.
The Ottoman Bank has commended business both at Constantinople and in a " branch " at Gralatz.
special meeting of the National Discount Company is called for next Tuesday to consider a proposal by the Directors to increase the capital from 1,000,000!. to 2,900,000/. Only 51. per 261. share has yet been called up on the first issue.
A new prospectus has appeared of the Metropolitan Railway—the under- ground line which is to connect the Great 'Western, North-Western, and Great Northern' Railways with a terminus near the General Post-office. The capital is to be 1,000,0001. The Great Western will take 175,0001., the Great Northern 175,0001. - the public have already taken 150,0001.; the re- 'rosining 500,000/., which the promoters had subscribed and paid upon, is now to be offered to capitalists ; Mr. J. L. Ricardo guaranteeing 6 per cent interest, on condition of an equal division of all surplus profits. 11r. Ri- liardo is to give security by depositing 100,000/. with the London and West- rainster Bank.
The Scinde Railway Company have obtained permission to survey the route from Mooltan. to Lahore and Cnuritsir, a distance of 230 miles, for a new railway, which, with steamers of light draught on the Indus, would unite with the Scinde line. By this means, Central Asia, the Punjaub, arid part of the North-West Provinces, would obtain access to the Arabian Sea by the port of Kurrachee, which is contemplated by Mr. Andrews as the Indian port of the Euphrates transit.