12 JULY 1856, Page 9


An inquiry has been held at Stranraer, before four Magistrates, with Cap- tain Brittain, R.N., as assessor, into the loss of the Princess Royal steamer. The investigation was at the instance of the Board of Trade. The ship was lost during a fog, some months since, having run upon the Scaar Laggan Rock, on the coast of Wigtonshire. After the disaster, the master, Mr. M'Chlery, behaved with coolness, courage, and resolution, and every pas- senger and mariner was saved. It appeared that every precaution had been taken on board the vessel, and that Mr. M'Chlery was constantly on deck during the foggy weather : when the ship struck, it was computed that she was some miles out at sea,—showing that the compasses were incorrect. The Court acquitted Mr. M‘Chlery. of all blame.; ascribing the disaster to the deviation of the compasses, arming from their having been adjusted un- der unfavourable circumstances; and they suggested, that the Board of Trade should consider the subject of adjusting compasses "under some au- thorized control or inspection." They also recommended that the Board should allow Mr. M'Chlery the expenses incurred in his defence.