12 JULY 1919, Page 11


[To TEE EDITOR or TEL " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —The letter of the Bishop of Croydon is an interesting commentary on the present position in regard to the liquor problem. You, Sir, have all through the war period urged the grave importance of dealing drastically with the question by means of a measure of State Purchase with Local Option. The time has been allowed to pass, and, thanks to the opposition of interested persons, the liquor problem is still untouched and the Liquor Trade is more powerful than ever. The statements made by the Bishop of Croydon testify to the power of liquor interests in our public life. While the appetite of the nation for intoxicants costs as it did in 1918 nearly .8280,000,000 to satisfy there is very little chance of our emulating the example of America, even if it were desirable to do so; but the acquisition of the Trade by a measure of State Purchase with Leval Option would clear the way for a great many much-needed reforms. I remember the Bishop of Croydon stating on one occasion . that it was inconceivable that we should return to pre-war conditions. But it is clear that we are returning to those conditions, and rapidly, as many of us foresaw would be the case unless the State Purchase scheme was proceeded with. At a time when we are assured that our commercial supremacy is in grave danger, and that other nations are going ahead in this regard, there is surely enough reason for the Government to tackle this grave social problem, and by the elimination of the element of private profit from the sale of liquor, the reduction of the vast number of redundant houses in the country, the imposition of reasonable restrictions upon the sale of liquor, and in other ways to set going an entirely new system. We have been told in past years by great men that unless the State controls the Liquor Trade tho Liquor Trade would control the State. Some of us feel that this position has long been reached.

—I am, Sir, Sea., A. F. HARVEY, Secretary, Temperance Legislation League. Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. 1.