12 JULY 1919, Page 13



SIR,—Many of your readers have doubtless sought sunshine and pleasure on the French Riviera; some must remember dear friends and relations whose last years in sickness or old age have passed away more smoothly in its equable climate; others perhaps think of spending next winter, free of fogs and "flu," by its shores. To all these I venture to appeal on behalf of a deserving hospital which has fallen on bad times owing to the war. Sunny Bank Hospital, of which I am Chairman, depends for its existence on the subscriptions of passing winter visitors. Owing to their absence during the last four years the hospital has been closed and used for war purposes. Unless we can instantly obtain a sufficient sum to import from England a matron and nurses the hospital, I fear, cannot be reopened. Our hospital has been established for many years ; its medical staff has included the principal physicians and surgeons of Cannes; its English nurses have helped many an invalid in hotel and villa, and its infectious ward has been of great service in time of epidemics. Nor does it serve the well-to-do alone. There are those of scanty means who, scraping together enough money to give some aged or ailing relative a last comfortable winter, find them in need of a sudden operation or expensive medical assistance. To these our hospital ever gives a liberal welcome.

The necessity of such a hospital as Sunny Bank on the Riviera has been proved for years past by British and American visitors; its reputation for efficiency and relief a suffering is universally acknowledged. May I then earnestly beg your charitable readers, whose abounding generosity [ well know, to help the pressing need of this most useful institution, and enable us once more to have a British hospital at Cannes ? All subscriptions will be instantly and gratefully acknowledged if sent to Lord Burgliclere, 48 Charles Street,

Berkeley Square, W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c., BUROlieLERE.