Uric acid is a natural waste product resulting from the constant chemical and physiological changes taking place during the wonderful process of body •building. It is so inimical to the wellbeing of the individual that its immediate destruction and removal are imperative. The liver and kidneys are specially entrusted with the accomplishment of this important work, and if from any cause they fail in ridding the system of the poisonous uric acid, gout invariably results.
Uric acid poisoning in its early stages is always accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The circulation is impeded by the clogging uric acid and the resultant congestion sets up the intense and persistent headaches which are such a source of misery to gouty subjects. Sluggish liver, dyspepsia, acidity, heartburn, and flatulence are also common forerunners of gout. The effect of uric acid upon the nerves is to cause pronounced nervous and mental depression, or a great deal of debility. These are some of the early stages of gout, denoting the stealthy advance of uric acid.
Meanwhile little hard lumps become visible here and there on various parts of the surface of the body, and afford unmistakable evidence that uric acid is steadily permeating the system.
Then gouty twinges in the muscles, giving warning of the spread of uric acid, begin to be experienced, especially in damp and cold weather; unaccustomed stiffness is felt in the knee, fingers, and elbow joints; " pins and needlas" sensations shoot through the arms and fingers, or down the thigh, and the victim realises at last that the gouty habit is overtaking him. Now is the time to arrest further development by ridding the system of the uric acid.
If this sensible procedure is not adopted the malady must follow its inevitable course, and enter upon a more advanced and grave stage. This chronic, chalky, or rheumatic gout, sometimes called rheuntatoid arthritis, ensues when the joints are attacked by uric acid, and dense masses of this substance force their way between the bones; sciatica and neuritis are the result of the intensely sharp crystals piercing their way into the supersensitive nerves; gouty rheumatism and lumbago follow the invasion of the muscles by the stealthy uric acid; liidney stone and gravel are -but concretions of uric acid, and gouty eczema is caused by uric acid burrowing into the skin.
So long as uric acid remains in your system you cannot hope to be free from gout in some of its manifold varieties. Fortunately, Nature provides a group of agents which have the power to destroy uric acid and rid the system of its mischiefmaking presence. The most powerful of these agents, known technically as uric acid solvents and eliminants, are incorporated in Bishop's Varalettes, which for many years have been recognised as the most effective remedy and preventive for all forms of gout.
The success of Bishop's Varalettes is readily understood when it is known that they act directly and powerfully upon uric acid itself. They convert this dangerous and pain-causing substance into a harmless compound which in gradually washed away from its lurking places in the system. As the removal of uric acid deposits in the joints and muscles is effected by the action of Bishop's Varalettes, pain and stiffness disappear, swellings subside, and inflammation is dispersed. Suffering gives way to comfort, which may be made lasting by the occasional subsequent use of Bishop's Varalettes as a preventive.
Henceforth, no one need ever feel in doubt as to what contitutes a suitable anti-gout diet, as the makers of Bishop's Varalettes have published a concise' but authoritative guide to the selection of a uric-acid-free diet. Classified lists of permissible and prohibited foods are set forth in such a way that at a glance it may be seen exactly what •foods may be freely indulged in and what should be avoided. The sufferer who has mistakenly been denying himself all the good things of life will be surprised to find how wide a choice he has open to him. This dietary forms one section of a book deVoted to a discussion of uric acid disorders, their symptoms, course, pad treatment, which will be found of very great interest to sll gouty subjects, or those who fear they are on the road to gout.
A copy will be sent post free on application to Alfred Bishop, Ltd., Manufacturing Chemists (established 1857), 48 Spelman Street, London, E. 1. Please ask for Booklet Y.
Bishop's Varalettes are sold by all chemists at is. 3d., 2s. 6d., and 6s. (25 days' treatment), or may be had direct from the sole makers, ae above, le. 5d., 2s. 8d., and 6s. 3d., post free in the United Kingdom.