The amazing experience of Victor Jones
How in one evening I discovered the secret of a good memory, and in 6 months increased my business £20,000 by means of the ROTH Memory Course—the Popular Course at a Popular Price
AS I look back on it to-day, I can hardly believe that it is only six short months since I first met David M. Roth, the famous memory expert, and learned from his course —in one evening—how to make my memory do wonderful things, which I never dreamed was possible.
That first meeting, which has meant so much to me since, was at a luncheon of the Rotary Club, where Mr. Roth gave one of his remarkable memory demonstrations. I can best describe it by quoting a newspaper account of a similar exhibition : " Of the 150 members of the Rotary Club at a luncheon yesterday not one left with the slightest doubt that Mr. Roth could do all claimed for him. Members at the meeting had to pinch themselves to see whether they were awake or not.
" Mr. Roth started his exhibition by asking sixty of those present to introduce themselves by name to him. Then he waved them aside and requested a member at the blackboard to write down names of firms, sentences, and mottoes on numbered squares, meanwhile sitting with his back to the writer and only learning the positions by oral report. After this he was asked by different members to tell what was -written down in various specific squares, and gave the entire list without a mistake.
" After finishing with this, Mr. Roth singled out and called by name the sixty men to whom he had been introducd earlier, who in the meantime had changed seats and had mixed with others present."
It was just such a meeting that I attended when Mr. Roth started me on the " Road to Better Memory."
My progress in memory building since that time seems like one of those pleasant dreams about .picking up basketfuls of money. You know the kind—when you lie still and try to stay asleep so you can keep on dreaming (and picking up money). But it is really all right, for I have the proof. I can now go into a room with from 30 to 50 people, and one hour from being introduced to them—or a week or a month—recall their names instantly, almost without a single mistake, on meeting them again, wherever it may be or however unexpectedly I may run into them.
But I find I am not the only one who has had this strange and quite unbelievable experience.
Only yesterday I was sitting at the desk of Mr. Roth's Publishers discussing some of the finer points in Mr. Roth's code for linking up numbers with names and business facts. When we had finished he showed me a letter from Mr. H. Q. Smith, manager of the Multigraph Company. He says :— " Here is the whole thing in a nutshell : Mr._ Roth has a most remarkable Memory Course. It is simple, and easy as falling off a log. Yet with one hour a day of practice anyone —I don't care who he is—can improve his Memory in a week and have a good Memory in six months."
" The gratifying and inspiring part of it is," continued the Publishers, " that they all say substantially the same thing. Here is a basket of 1,000 letters from Roth enthusiasts received by us in the past 30 days—selected at random from the many thousands who have written in ordering the course. One man says : ' It can't be true ! ' and returns the course. The other 999 tell in glowing terms what the Roth method is doing for them, in many ways, and how quickly and delightfully they have mastered the big idea.
" A good composite of the general type of these letters is furnished by this letter received several months ago from C. Louis Allen, who at 32 became the head of the Py-rene Manufacturing Company, makers of the famous fire extinguisher. You know the letter, but read it_again. He says :
Now that the Roth Memory Course is finished, I want to tell you how much I have enjoyed the study of this most fascinating subject. Usually these courses involve a great deal of drudgery, but this has been nothing but pure pleasure all the way through. I have benefited by the instructions and feel that I shall continue to strengthen my memory. That is the best part of it. I shall be glad of an opportunity to recommend your work to my friends.' " I tell you, Mr. Jones, it is a great experience to read these letters that pour in every day from every corner of the land— especially when I think how simple this method is and how few people among those who need it so badly have imagined before that such a thing could exist."
* * * * * * All this was no surprise to me. In fact, it seemed rather " tame " compared to my own experience with the Roth Course —which was as follows : It sent me ahead in my business to a degree that I would not have believed possible. And all in six months !
I know it was the Roth Course that did it. I will take my oath on it. Because I cannot account for the change in my whole business life in any other way.
The cold fact is that my new grip on business came in the six short months from the time I took up the Roth Memory Course.
In that brief period—and my cashier will vouch for this—I increased my sales by £20,000—and this in war-time, mind you, with anything but a " war bride," and with German drives sending cold shivers down the public spine and submarines knocking holes in business confidence and buying habits.
The reason stands out as brightly as a star bomb. Mr. Roth has given me a firmer mental grasp of business tendencies and a better balanced judgment, a keener foresight and the ability to act swiftly and surely that I never possessed before.
His lessons have taught me to see clearly ahead, and how to visualise conditions in more exact perspective, and how to remember things I need to remember at the instant I need them most in business transactions.
In consequence, I have been able to seize many golden opportunities that before would have slipped by and been out of reach by the time I woke up.
You see the Roth Course has done vastly more for me than teaching me how to remember names and faces and telephone numbers. It has done more than make me a more interesting talker. It has done more than give me confidence on my feet, It has given me a greater power in all the conduct of my business.
Mr. Roth's course has endowed me with a now business perspective. It has made me a keener observer. It has given use a new sense of proportion and values. It has given me visualisation, which after all is the true basis of business success.
Do you not think you can use this Roth Memory Course in your business ? It doesn't cost a penny to try it out. I am willing to lay a large wager—right now—that if you will send for the course and spend one evening on that fascinating first lesson, they won't be able to get it back from you with a team of horses. And you will vote that 30s. (which I know you will send eventually) the best investment you ever made.