12 JULY 1930, Page 14

Ste Vos .

One summer in my own garden a particular and small square of fruit-netting was used on four successive occasions by swarming bees ! One never knows to what one is subscribing in a garden. Dormice love the top of a beehive ; wintering toads the hole where a lawn tennis post once was ; nesting robins a rhubarb pot. I once left an old mackintosh cape in the garden for a few days ; and on opening it found therein the egg and supply of pollen of a single bee! The really altruistic gardener of wide interests ought perhaps to fill his garden with lumber and rubbish. To give one more instance, in clearing tins and crocks from a stream that runs through the garden I found almost all to contain fresh-water crayfish. Tidiness, as we understand it, is most destructive of congenial homes !