12 JULY 1930, Page 19

Mr. A. L. Humphreys' charming little pamphlet, How to .Write

a Village History, which he publishes at York Lodge, Reading, for a shilling, ought to have a very large circulation. For in it an accomplished and enthusiastic archaeologist tells the amateur how to begin, what to aim at, and where to find sources of information. Seven years ago Mr. Humphreys showed in his excellent book on East Hendred, Berks, how interesting a parish history might be made by long and rightly applied effort. Recent books, such as those on St. Lawrence, Reading, and Clare, Suffolk, testify to the potent influence of Mr. Humphreys' example, and, though none has equalled his volume in beauty of production, the local history recording scheme is making definite progress. Every local inquirer should read his sensible and attractive little book.