The Duchess of Malfi. By John Webster. With introductory essays
by George Rylands and Charles Williams. Illustrated by Michael Ayrton. (Sylvan Press. 30s.) THIS limited edition—on hand-made paper---of.The Duchess of Malfi, produced 1?3-■ the . Sylvan Press, is embellished with twelve original lithographs by Michael Ayrton. These drawings are extraordinarily vivid, and suggest admirably the strange Elizabethan character of this remarkable play, which_ was recently produced with great success. by Mr. John Gielgud at the Haymarket Theatre.Except for the original lithographs and the hand-made paper, this edition is the same as the unlimited_ one published about a year ago by the same Press. It is a fine example of modern printing and book-designing, and is delightful to read and to handle.