.Moline and Woods, Godalming, bankers-Simper and Martin, Poole, confectioners- Rutherford and Co. Sheffield. Britannia metal-manufacturers; as far as regards John Stacey-Brice and Furlong. Manchester. dyers-Spencer and Banghana. Canterbury, chemists-Dutton and Co. Runcorn. Cheshire, school slate-manufacturers; as far as regards J. M'Turk-Horsfall and Co. Sidney, New South Wales, woottleaters-Del- veau and Brown, Berners Street, harp-manufacturers-Palmer and Frew,. Penzance. millers-Lediard and Price, Reading. linendrapers-T•,mlinsou and Wallis. Islington, pawnbrokers-Wing and Stock. Beddgelert, Carnarvonshire, miners-Cooper and Co. Holbeek, Yorkshire, joiners -Hinchliffe and Heap. Henley Mills. Yorkshire, scrib- bling and fulling-millers-Lewis and Knight, Reading. brewers-W riggleseorth and Co. Halifax, woolstaplers-Smith and Co. Great Grimsby, curriers-Mathesou and Co.
Glasgow, dyers. INSOLVENTS. Haaterrr. SAMUEL. Liverpool, victualler, June 7. Moans, DEOHOE, Newland. Northamptonshire, plumber, Jane 7.
DAVENPORT, WILLIAM,, 1.eicestershire, upholsterer, to surrender June 18. July 20: solicitors. Messrs. Fisher and Sherwin, or Mr. Dewes, Ashby-de-la- Zouch; and Messrs. Austen and Hobson. Gray's Inn. DEMAIESE, EMILE MnRIKIExE. and WOOLER, HENRY THOMAS, Bucklersbury,
mer- chants, June 22, July 20; solicitors, Messrs. Turner and Hensman, Basing Lane; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Basingl1all Street.
ELWELII, HENRY BARBER, Wolverhampton. japauner, June 21, July 20: solicitors, Messrs. Capes and Stuart. Gray's Iuu; and Mr. Robinson, Wolverhampton. Evargs, GEORGE. Llanboidy, Carrearthenshire. draper. June 28, July 20 : solicitors, Mr. Holcombe, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Gwynne.Tenby, Pembrokeshire. HILLARY. Auovs'rus Wttraam. Ewanrigg Hall, Cumberland, irou-founder, June 22. July 20: solicitors, Mr. Armstrong. Staple Inn ; and Mr. Benson, Cockermouth. MILLER. JoSEpH, Bristol. cabinet-maker, June 15, July 20: solicitor, Mr. Bull, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Mewrosr, WILLIAM. Greatford. Lincolnshire. miller, June 17, July 20: solicitors. Messrs. Clowes and Wedlake. Temple; • and Messrs. Thompson and Son, Stamford. Tamers. Jens. Carmarthen, grocer. June 28, July 20: solicitors, Messrs. Poole and Gandhi, Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Livett, Bristol. TAYLOR. FREDERICK. Langton, Kent. plumber, June 18, July 20: solicitors, Messrs. Egan and Co. Essex Street, Strand; and Messrs. Stone and Son, Tunbridge Wells; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
July 1, Pound, Dalston, licensed-victualler-July 1, Robinson, Gracechurch Street, woollendraper-June 22, Mott, Pall Mall, pianoforte maker-June 29, Burghart, Clifford Street. Bond Street. tailor-June 30, Dryden, Abchurch Lane, wholesale- druggist-July 1, J. and E. Barber, Cowper's Court. Cornhill, stockbrokers-July 1, Fry. Great Ormond Street, dealer-July 1, Chapman and Parker. Grove, Southwark, flax-spinners-June 29. Young and Bacon. St. Mary-at-Hill. brokers-June 29, Wag- ner, Great Winchester Street, mordant-July 1, Eames, Haymarket, horse-dealer- July 1, Bonner and Gibbons. Theme, furniture-brokers-July 16, Stoker, New- castle-upon-Tyne, corn-dealer-July 2. Hebblewhite, Kingston-upon-Hull, woollen- draper-July 1. Wilde. Ross, Herefordshire-July 8, Feaver, Nether Compton, Dor- setshire, sailcloth-manufacturer-June 30, Todd. Birmingham, factor-July 2, Terry, Bristol, ship-chaudler-July 6, Prideaux, Bristol, scrivener.
Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before June 29.
Exley, Riches Court, Lime Street, merchant-Moorey, Peckham. ironmonger- Bridgewater, Birmingham, victualler-Baker, Sidmouth, brewer-Jeaues, Exeter,
booksel ler. scomu SEQUESTRATIONS. lirenzesost. THOMAS, and Co. Kirkaldy, wine.merchants, June 15, July 5. Hercarsorr and Bowe, Leith, wine-merchants, June 11, July 1. M•LARmN, DUNCAN, Glasgow, spirit-merchant, June 11, July 1.
Friday, June 11.
J. and G. Atkinson. Halifax. Yorkshire. tea-dealers -Sendarnore and Ball, Man - chester. oil-cloth-manufacturer-J. and J. Pye. Preston, slaters-Holloway and True- man. Coleman Street, tea dealers-Hill and Wace. Islingtou Green. butchers-Barlow and Morgan, Newcastle-under-Lyme. pipe manufacturers-J. and J. Richards, Sumner Street, Southwark-measure-makers-Boothreyd and Co. Dewsbury, cloth-manufac- turers; as far as regards J. Boothroyd. T. Ward. and J. Kilburn- Johnston and But- ler, London-G. aud G. 31. Copper& York Street, Southwark, tailors-Field and Syers, Liverpool, grocers-Brook and Co. Longwood, Yorkshire. fancy-manufacturers; as far as regards .1. Leech-R. and H. Murch. Norton-under-Hamdon, Sornersetshire, sail. cloth-manufacturers-Treveuen and Gundry. Bristol. linen-drapers-G., F., and E. Palmer, Reading, ironmongers-J. and W. R. Buckley, Liverpool, corn-dealers-R. and J. Murley, Tower Street. sail-cloth-manufacturers-A. and D. Brandon, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, boot and shoe-mauufacturers-Kinsman and Co. Lincolu's inn Fields, attomies; as far as regards J. K. Kinsman.
FELLMAN, ISAAC, Limehouse, brewer, June 10.
JOHNSON, RICHARD WILLIAM and BEN, Gloucester, wine-merchants.
Wiream, CHARLES, 311eflied, saw-manufacturer.
HENSITALL, WILLIAM, Newcastle-under Lyme. silk-throwster, to surrender Juno 25, July 23: solicitors, Messrs. Price and Bolton, Lincoln's Inn; and Mr. Bishop, Stafford- shire Potteries.
HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM, Broad& Derbyshire, wine-merchant, June 21, July 23: solicitors, Messrs. Hutchinson, Chesterfield; and Messrs. Smithson and Milton, South- ampton Buildings. PORTER, JOHN, Wiggenhall, Norfolk, builder, June 24. July 23: solicitors, Mr. Pitcher. King's Lynn; and Messrs. Clowes and Wedlake, Temple. SIDEBoTHAM, HENRY. Manchester. cotton manufacturer. June 21, July 23: solicitors. Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane; and Messrs. Humphreys and Co. Man- chester.
July 2, Keasley, Long Lane, Bermondsey. tanner-July 2, Todd, Wood Street, ware- houseman - July 2, Wald, East Dereham, Norfolk, plumber-July 2, P. and P. Paul, Silver Street, Golden Square. timber-merchants-July 2, Mulcaster and Vaughan, St.. Paul's Churchyard. wholesale-furriers-July 2, Smith, Eastbourne, Sussex, stationer- June 21. Coles, Gluey. Buckinghamshire, 3, Loup and Godber, Cat- eaten Street, cdtou-lactors-July 3, Robson, Bear Street. Leicester Square, coach-cur- rier-July 3, Clarke, Portsea, ironmonger-July 3, Picard. Friday Street, wholesale- linendraper-July 2. Bush. London Street, merchant-July 3, Philpot, St. Swithiu's Lane, victualler-July 2, Goldschmidt and Co. Great St. Helen's, merchants-July 2, J. B. and J. Inglis, Mark Lane, merchants-July 9, Leak, Holt, Norfolk. milliner- July 3, Hall junior, Marton-upon-Humber, lineudraper-July 5, Jones, Bridgewater, dealer iu musical instruments-July 5, Berry, Cambridge, wine-merchant-July 5, Wright, Liverpool, merchant.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 2.
Lucas, Gosport, woollendraper - Broadbent, Saddleworth, clothier - Chadwick, Ashton-under-Lyne, cotton-spinners-Page. St. Alban's, auctioneer.
SCOTCH seouerrarertoes.
Joarrs-ros, JOHN. Hawick, stabler. June 16, July 7.
PATERSON. Jaws. Milngavie, Stirliugshire, storekeeper. June 17, July S. BICHARDSoN. WILLIAM. and ARTHUR Rosemr. Glasgow, merchants, June 18, July 9. BoDERTSON, Ca an1.73. and LIDDELL, JOHN, Glasgow, manufacturers, June 16, July7. sm. WILLIAM, Glasgow, general contractor, June 18, July 12.