A public meeting was held this afternoon, in the great
room of the So- ciety of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, to promote the erection of a monument to commemorate the introduction of printing into England, and the services of William Caxton its introducer. Lord Morpeth was in the chair: the speakers were the Reverend Dr. Buckland, the Reverend H. H. Milman, Mr. Bancroft the American Minister, Mr. Hunter of the Record Office, Mr. John Murray, Mr. Woodfall, and other gentlemen. The room was pretty well filled, chiefly with persons of literary taste. It was resolved that a monument be erected, and that it be in the neighbourhood of West- minster Abbey. A very numerous committee of management was ap- pointed, and a sub-committee of five to decide on any details of art: the five are—Dr. Buckland, Mr. Milman, Mr. Charles Barry, R.A., Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A., and Mr. Etty, R.A.