ExErEn Hatz.—The Sacred Harmonic Society give a performance of Haydn's
Creation on Monday evening, the 14th, in aid of the funds for the relief of the distress in Scotland. The Queen, the Queen Dowager, the Royal Family, the Archbishops, and the most distinguished of the nobility, patronize and have taken tickets for the occasion. Madame Caradori Allen, Miss Birch, Mr. Lockey, Standigl, and Pischek, are the principal vocalists; and Herr Kloss, a German or- ganist of repute, who has recently had the honour of performing before the Queen and the Court at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, will play a solo. The demand for tickets, although issued at one guinea each for reserved area seats, has been so great as to compel an enlargement of the space at first allotted to them—From a Correspondent.