Though the books of the Three per Cent Consols and various other Stocks close today, and money business in all of them will be suspended till the 6th July, the transactions of the last few days have been quite unimportant. Consols for Ac- count, which had been as low as 885, have risen again, and close today at the quotations of this day week, viz. 88/ 5. The payments in advance upon the Scrip of the new Loan continue to be made, but to a very trifling extent; and we suppose that after today they will be discontinued. In Exchequer Bills no large business has been done: the premium has not materially advanced, though the market, in commop with that for the other Government Securities, is rather firmer. The rate of commercial discount is the same; and as the arrival of the precious metals both from the Pacific and from Mexico has during the past week been considerable, it is anticipated that the Bank Directors will continue their present liberal system of accommodation. There seems to be no expectation of any reduction in the rate of discount.
In the Foreign Market, the business has been on a more limited scale than in the English Funds. Some rather extensive transactions have occurred in Portu- guese Bonds; in which the predominance of sales has produced a decline of 3 per cent, the Four per Cent Bonds having fallen to 29. With the arrival of the in- telligence of the capture of Count des Antes and his forces the price improved, and yesterday several bargains were effected at 31: the few transactions today mark a further slight improvement, and just before the close of business 314 was realized. Until yesterday's intelligence, scarcely any hope existed that the divi- dend due in July would he paid; but a more sanguine feeling now prevails. Spanish Stock, which had been depressed nearly 1 per cent, has slightly reco- vered; and there have been bargains today in the Three per Cents at 34, and in the Active at 22. Mexican Bonds continue unchanged; the intelligence received by the Dee not having produced the slightest effect upon prices.
The Railway Shares were generally depressed at the commencement of the week; most of the shares of the principal lines having fallen, and the markets being heavy. A trifling upward reaction has since occurred, and in the course of today and yesterday the quotations of last week have in most cases been restored; though business is upon a very limited scale. No changes or transactions of im- portance have occurred in the French lines.
The Bank accounts for the week ending Saturday last indicate a continuantse in the return to a more wholesome state of things. The increase in all the items of importance, though small, being such as to give room to hope that the Di- rectors will not be again driven to the stringent measures recently forced upon them. There is an increase of nearly 800,0001. in the public deposits, and of about 460,0001. in unissued notes, in the Banking Department; while the aggregate increase in the gross amount of bullion is about 62,7001. The total amount of the precious metals in store being about 10,232,4991. The other vari- ations are too unimportant to notice. The English Stock Market is much firmer; the few operations of the morning having been purchases, and there being a general disposition to bay stock. Consols for Account are now 874 ex dividend,—equal to a quotation with dividend of 895 A; thus marking an improvement of f per cent upon yesterday's closing prices. There is no price for Money, the books being shut. Exchequer Bills have also advanced; large bills (10001. each) being 4s. to 7s. premium, while small (1001. and 2001. each) are 98. to 13s. premium. No change or business of importance in the Foreign Stocks. There is a general im- provement in the Railway Shares; and most of the following quotations of busi- ness done indicate a trifling advance upon the prices of yesterday: Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Dudley, 141 ; Caledonian, 295; Eastern Counties, 20; Ditto, York Extension, 64; Great Southern and Western of Ireland, 24; Great Western, 113; Leeds and Thirsk, 195; Brighton, 535; North-western, 1775; Ditto, Fifths, 165; Ditto, Scrip, 454; Midland, 121; Ditto, New, 405; Newcastle and Berwick, New, 65; North British Extension, 4; North Staffordshire, 10; Preston and Wyre, 36; Ditto, Half-shares, 124; Scottish Midland, New, 6; South-eastern and Dover, 36; West Riding Union, % discount; Windsor, Staines, and South-western, 1 pre- mium; York and Newcastle, 375; Ditto, New, 15; York and North Midland, 86; Paris and Orleans, 49. SATURDAY, Two &ewer.
The English Stock Market has evinced an upward tendency; Consols for Ac- count having reached 875: a trifling reaction has since occurred, and the closing quotation is 874 1. No large bargains have been effected. Money is much more abundant in the Stock Exchange than it has been; loans for short periods being easily obtainable at from 3 to 4 per cent. The premium of Exchequer Bills continues the same.
In the Foreign Market, business has been confined to the following bargains— Brazilian, 824; Pprte, Four per Cents, 314 25; Spanish Three per Cents, 345; Venezuela, 385 94; Dutch Dour per Cents, Certificates, 894; Ditto, Bonds, 891. No farther light has been thrown upon the question of the Portuguese dividend; but the Stock has improved 1 per cent, the cash price being 324. The Railway Shares are generally firmer; as will be seen by a comparison of
the following quotations of actual business with those of yesterday. Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 15; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 165; Caledonian, 294 4; Eastern Counties, 205 5; Ditto, York Extension, 64; Great Western, 118 125; Ditto, Half-shares, 67; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 165; Ditto, Fifths, 264; Ditto, New, 74; London, Brighton, and South Coast,535 4; London and North-western, 1775 65 8; London and South-western, 655 5 % 6 54; Midland,121 2 195; New- castle and Berwick, 27 5 74; Norfolk, 1275 65; North British, 82% 5; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 135; South-eastern and Dover, 86f ; York and North Midland, 86 41; Ditto, East and West Riding extension, 20%; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 165; Northern of France, 124 12; Paris and Orleans, 49.
3 per Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities shat 871 / 87/ # 89/ 1 9 1-16 Danish 3 per Conte 83 4
Dutch 2/ per Cents 8311 f
Ditto 4 per Cents 891 90 Mexican_ 5 per Cents...1846 20/ New Grenada- 191 201 Bank Stock I9G 1 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 311 321 Exchequer Bills 4 13 pm. Peruvian 36 8 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 109 111, Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents
221 Belgian 41 percents 92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent ... 36 8 Venezuela 38 40 Milian 6 per Cents 91 3
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending Notes issued £23,434,365 Government Debt 811,015,109
Other Securities
Gold Coln and Bullion 7,963 365
Silver Bullion 1,619,000
323,434 A66
Proprietors' Capital 814,551,000 Government Securities, (in-
Rest 3,427,263 eluding Dead Weigh tAnnuit7411,713.101 Public Deposits'
7,772,708 I
Other Deposits 8,159,646
Other Securities .. 17.800855:234495
Notes 6,088,706 Seven Day and other Bills .... 785,918 Gold and Sliver Coin
-- — L 434,689.535 34,889,535 Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt& Dividend Accounts. on Saturday the 5th day of June 1847. IssON DEPARTNENT•