12 JUNE 1852, Page 8



BRIGHTON. Mr. Ffooks, partner in a great Dorsetshire brewery, is a Free-trade and Liberal candidate.

CHESTER. Mr. Samuel Holme' one of the most strenuous opponents of Mr. Cardwell at Liverpool, on the ground of his Free-trade tendencies, is a candidate for Chester as a Derbyite who "does not consider that the reimpo- sition of the Cerh-laws could be either practicable or judicious."

hiiVarron.T. Sir George BerlieleY, Surveyor-Oeneral of the Ordnance, will contest the borough, as a Government candidate. Essinr, Boum. Sir Edward Buxton will oppose any return to Protection.

FINSBURY. Mr. Wakley has formally resigned his seat to his constituents, as "the sudden recurrence of a severe indisposition would again prevent him from attending in his place in Parliament." A meeting of the electors ap- pointed a deputation to wait on Mr. Wakley, and obtain a retractation of this resignation.

Fisarrsinne. Mr. Edmund Peel is a candidate: he will vote for the- repeal of the Maynooth grant.

GLOUCESTERSHIRE, 1SrE8T. Mr. Nigel Kingscote, on the requisition or 2386 electors, has issued his address as a candidate. He is in favour of ex- tension of the franchise, of Free-trade, and of the fullest religious freedom to all sects and denominations. HERTFORD. The two new candidates, Mr. Dimsdale and Mr. T. Cham- bers, of the Home Circuit, are now openly in the field ; the first as a Pro- testant Conservative, the other as a Free-trade Liberal. LICILFIELD. Mr. Robert Bayley Follett, brother of the late Sir William Follett, is a candidate as an independent supporter of Lord Derby. 31AULBOROUGH. Lord Ernest Bruce and Mr. Henry Baring have issued a joint address to the electors, stating that they "are decidedly opposed to any tampering with theyresent fiscal arrangements of the country."

Norma:imam. W. Sturgeon, barrister, of the Western Circuit, is added to the list of Liberal candidates.

PLYMOUTH. The Committee of Mr. Escott proposed to the Committee of Mr. Collier, and the Committee of Mr. Braine, that the candidates should abide by the issue of some inquest into the general feeling. Mr. Collier's friends assented, but Mr. Braine's friends declined. SHEFFIELD. Mr. Overend, the Conservative candidate, has avowed him- self "a sincere convert to Free-trade." SHIELDS. Mr. Mather, the father of Mr. Erskine Mather, the victim of Austrian violence, is a candidate as a Free-trader in everything but ships ; and as an advocate of household suffrage, the ballot, and triennial Parlia- ments. SUFFOLK, EAST. Sir Fitzroy Kelly has addressed a letter to Mr. Frewen, who has come forward es a candidate for East Suffolk, denying that he in- tended to retire from the representation. SURREY, EAST. Mr. Freshfield has stated to a deputation, that the requi- sition to him is not so signed as to be an unequivocal expression of opinion on the part of the great bulk of the electors ; so he declines to contest the county. TAMWORTH. Sir Charles Clarke has resigned as a candidate ; having found that he had no chance of success.

Txvisromr. Mr. Christopher Arthur Harris, of Hayne, has offered him- self as a candidate on Liberal Conservative principles.


GREENOCK.. Lord Melgund announces his intention to retire, in face of the "sinister agreement of Tories, Radicals, Churchmen, and Voluntaries, whose opinions on Church questions are as wide as the poles asunder," on the Maynooth question. That agreement, he takes to bode "that Great Britain has how resolved that religious equality shall be withheld from the people of Ireland." INVERNESS Burains. Mr. H. Kennedy has abandoned the intention of contesting this district of burghs with the sitting Member.


CLARE. Colonel Vandeleur has come forward as a second Tory candidate, whom the Orange party have agreed to support. DOWN. " Nephew " Vandeleur Stewart has at last formally withdrawn. YOUGHAL. Sir Ralph Howard has unexpectedly retired. The Honourable J. W. Forteseue, son of Lord Fortescue, has addressed the electors of Youghal, declaring himself a Free-trader, an advocate for an equitable settlement of the tenant question, and a decided opponent to the Ecclesi- astical Titles Act, who would support "any reasonable proposition for its repeal."