The railway lines and branches remaining to be constructed in
France Will require 1,800,000,000 francs during the next ten years.
The commercial distress among the tradesmen of Paris becomes worse and worse : things have not been so bad since 1848.
The railway from Besancon to Belfort, sixty miles long,. was opened for traffic last week : this section completes the railway communication from the Mediterranean to the Rhine. The French railway traffic-returns at length show a revival.
The Paris correspondent of the Times computes that the depreciation in the value of the shares of twelve railways, not all French, between Juno 1857 and June 1858 is 17,500,0001.
The works of the vast railway tunnel through Mont Cenis are advancing very favourably : the work, it is computed, will occupy ten years. Pied- mont has had a successful exhibition of manufactures and agricultural pro- duce at Turin.
The Reciprocity Treaty works well for Canada and the United States. In 1857 the imports of Canada through andfrom the United States amounted to 28,646,081 dollars; the exports to the United States were valued at 16,386,530 dollars, nearly one half being agricultural products.
According to a circular of M. Arles Dufour of Lyons, the silk crop will be a fair general yield. These are the special reports—Spain, crop favour- ably settled ; Naples, good half crop ; Syria and Greece, very good crop and ow: prices ; Roman States, good crop ; Lombardy and Piedmont, result