12 JUNE 1915, Page 11


[To ens EDITOZ or ran SPECSAT011...] SIR, I am asked by a friend who is going as chaplain to the front to forward to you the following document which was passed at a meeting attended by nearly all the Anglican chaplains resident in Switzerland, and which will now ha circulated for signature among the British residents there. The last sentence seems to me extremely important in view of the fact that several of the chaplains have exceptional oppor- tunities of hearing frank and friendly expressions of French " We the undersigned British citizens at present in Switzerland wish to express our profound conviction that the adoption of SOLD, form of national service is a matter of urgent necessity at the present moment. Several of us have been resident hers for many years. We have had frequent opportunities of noting the universal esteem in which the Swiss Army is hold in this demo- cratic country, not least among the working classes, and of analysing the good effects of compulsory training in many direc- tions. Some of us also are in sufficiently close touch with French

public opinion across the frontier to be aware that such a mobilization of the whole of our nation would do more than any- thing else to dissipate the growing feeling among our allies that even yet our nation hoe not fully realized the greatness of the busk that lies before us."—Signature of tea chaplains—Zurich, Neu- chatel, Urdu, Montreux, Lucerne, Clarens (2), Chateau dOex, and Geneva.