" RenTATOS...] Sia,—Will yen allow me once again to appeal for help for our troops in British East Africa through the columns of your paper P My letter asking for comforts to send to the troops met with such a generous response that we were enabled to send eat large con- signments of blankets, socks, cigarettes, &c., to the King's African Rifles and other regiments engaged out there. The gifts were duly received and greatly appreciated. Now a new and very pressing need has arisen. Tho resources of the Colony are not sufficient to provide medical necessaries for the largo numbers of troops now out there, and we have just received a cable from the General in command of the forces asking us to send out at once full hospital supplies. The need is very urgent, and we must get the supplies as quickly as possible if we are to save our wounded in East Africa from unnecessary suffering and even death through lack of medical comforts. I appeal to all your readers to help us, either by gifts of sleeping suits, dressing-gowns, bed socks, bandages, lint, wool, gauze, or by donations of money to buy medical stores. All such gifts will be most gratefully received by me at the subjoined address.—I am, Sir, 8r.e., EVELYN G. M. EDWARDS, Hoe. Soo. E.I.P.P. Fund.
113 Cotherne Court, S. Kensington.