12 JUNE 1959, Page 14

Sta,---Scottish Number? But once again no mention of Scotland's backbone,

the hundreds of thousands of country workers in the rich agricultural strip on the east coast from Berwick to Moray. Men who have never heard of Home Rule, who do not consider 'the Englishman' any more of a foreigner than the man from the next county. Living, many of them, in tied cottages (all mod. cons.). No rent, no rates. More money to spend than ever before (on cars, television sets, washing machines,' of course). Paid holidays? Good enough. The forester spends his time off cutting wood, the gardener gardens, the 'cattle-man' and shepherd have eyes only for cattle and sheep. And every one, however humble, a master of his trade.—Yours faithfully,


Parkhill, Arbroath, Angus, Scotland