Sul,—As Pharos considers that the name 'mushroom' should be applied
to those soups containing, other types of edible fungi, until, as the writer suggests, Major Stewart thinks of another name for them, per- haps he could he good enough to supply the 'ice cream' manufacturers with another name for their product. 1 am sure that it would 'inconvenience' the manufacturers if 'ice cream' was replaced by 'iced vegetable fats.' It is, 1 feel, profoundly illogical for Pharos to comment on two issues very much alike, in exactly the opposite fashion, in adjacent articles.— Yours faithfully,
14 Whatley Road, Clifton, Bristol 6 [Pharos writes: 'The whole point of my comment was that the likeness was superficial. No doubt it is inconvenient for the makers of ersatz cream not to be allowed to call their product "cream"—but this, rightly, is the law. So it ought to be in the case of ersatz ice-cream: and it is up to the manufacturers to think of a suitably alluring alternative.'— Editor, Spectator.]