From the Duke of Buccleuch Sir: It seems clear that
we have moved into an age of inverted snobbery wherein titles such as Lord, Earl or Duke can be a posi tive disadvantage, or else become meaningless. Even British Airways provide tickets for 'Mr Duke of Buccleuch and Mrs Duchess of Buccleuch'.
This leads me to thinking about the House of Lords. Is it perhaps time to call it 'The Senate', with all new members being 'senators'? Existing peers might be given the option of being Senator Lord Tonyblair' or 'Senator Tonyblair'. Hereditary peers might be given the choice of being 'Senator Duke of Gibberish' or simply 'Senator Gibberish'.
An opinion poll to test the reactions of existing peers, particularly the reforming zealots, could be interesting; and what effect might this have on securing new members?
Selkirk, Scotland