Young talent
From Tom Thatcher Sir: Odd that Stephen Glover's article (Media studies, 5 June) re. the dearth of young political cartoonists should occur in the same issue of the Speccie in which there is a review of an exhibition by Jonathan Wateridge and whose cover is by him.
The answer to the question is therefore 'Jonathan Wateridge'. His political and satirical cartoons are unusual in that they never need words, capture the soul of the subject perfectly and are not ever offensive. He is also a very good draughtsman.
In my office there hang two pictures by Wateridge, one of Tony Blair and one of Richard Branson (never see them together in the same room, do you?). The one of Blair is particularly good, lower lip unfurled, grin in place, Trust-Me eyes. The thought bubble from Blair's head has him standing at a podium on which the word 'President' is written. This drawing is not recent and seems to be precognitive.
Every time I feel low or in need of consolation I look at this picture and it cheers me up for a multitude of reasons.
Mr Glover need look no further.
Tom Thatcher
Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire