The prices of the Public Securities, which had previously been firm at the closing prices of Saturday, underwent a decline on Wednesday morning, upon the receipt of the disastrous intelligence from India by the overland mail. The price of Consols for Account declined to 89i, while for Money the quota- tion fell to 89. An almost instantaneous rally occurred, and in a short time the price improved to nearly the whole extent of the decline. The price has since continued steady, at 89 to for Money and 89* j for Account ; but during the course of this afternoon there have been buyers at 89i for Ac- count, and the closing price may be quoted at 89i I. Speculation has been quite at a stand in anticipation of the financial statement. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved, and after being as high 34s., has given way to 29, and closes this afternoon at 29s. to 31s. The Indian intelligence has produced a decline in the price of India Stock, although not to the extent that might have been anticipated. On Wednesday, a small amount of stock was sold at 240; and the quotation had since reached 242 for Account, which is equal to a quotation of between 241 and 241h for Money.
The last advices from the United States are of a rather more favourable cha- racter. After a little delay, however, the Agent of Pennsylvania has succeeded in providing the funds for the dividends due on the 1st February, and they were on the 15th in course of payment. This is of importance to the holders of the United States Bank Debentures, as a large amount of Pennsylvanian Stock was deposited by the Bank. There is rather a better feeling here with respect to American Stock, and some disposition appears to exist for the pur- chase of Bonds upon which dividends have not been paid. Some Indiana Bonds have recently been sold at 26: we believe that some transactions have occurred in Illinois at about the same price, and we may add that they are inquired after.
The business in the Foreign Market has been chiefly confined to the Non- Dividend Stocks, of which Mexican and Columbian have been in the greatest demand. There have been some considerable operations in both these Stocks, and the former was at one time 1 per cent below the closing quotations of last week; but it has rallied again about per cent. The great rise this stock has recently experienced brought sellers into the market, and the price has conse- quently fallen from 381 to 37i, and after rallying to 38 was steady at about that quotation for the last two days. Just before the close of business this afternoon, an improvement occurred, and the stock rose to 38# for the current Account, and was done at 38i for 31st instant. This impulse was occasioned by the arrival of the Thames steamer with a mall from Vera Cruz, and, as is reported, 150,000 dollars for the Bondholders. Columbian have been in steady demand, and after being at 25, fell to 24*, fluctuating for the last few days between that price and 24i. The other South American Bonds are within a little of our last quotations, with the exception of Brazilian, which may be quoted about I per cent higher. Spanish Active Stock has not supported the quotations of last week ; atter twice being at 24e, and rallying on each occa- sion to 25*, closes this afternoon at 241. The last improvement to 24 oc- curred this morning, and was occasioned by the appearance of an advertisement stating that Messrs. REID, Divisro, and Company, would pay the Dividends upon the New Three per Cent Stock. The transactions in Portuguese Bonds have been very unimportant, but we have to notice a slight advance upon the quotations of last week.
The Northern European Stocks are without material variation or business of importance. The Railway Shares are generally lower, and the decline may be stated at from IL to 2/. per. Share: the decline is only such as might be anticipated from the state of the English Funds.
There was a strong muster of the members of the Stock Exchange at an early hour this morning, in anticipation of the effect that the imposition of an Income tax would produce on the prima of the Funds; and at the commencement of business Consols for Account were sold for 89k, but the market speedily rallied to 89i, at which price there have been for some time buyers. The Income-tax can, however, affect the value of the Funds but slightly, though its effect will be severely felt by the small Fundholder. Sup- posing the tax to continue for the period anticipated, it will amount during the whole of the time to a tax of 8s. 9d. per cent upon Three per Cent Consols and Reduced, and 10s. 2id. per cent upon Three-and-a-half per Cents. The premium upon Exchequer Bills is lower, and after being quoted at 28s. is now 28s. to 30s. In the Foreign Market, busineu has been chiefly confined to
Mexican Bonds, which have been at 38, but have since improved, and are now 381 9. The Thames has brought 100,000 dollars, which are consigned to Messrs. LIZARD! and Company, the Agents of the Mexican Government ; but it is not known whether the consignment is on account of the Mexican Divi- dend. Spanish Active, after being 241 #, is now 24A 1. The other Foreign Bonds are as yesterday. We have to notice the following transactions in Railway Shares : South-western, .58; Manchester and Leeds, New, 331; North Midland, 69; South-eastern and Dover, 25k; York and North Mid- land, New, 32.
The declaration of Sir ROBERT PEEL that he will provide for the deficiency of the revenue without either loan or funding, has more than counteracted the effect produced upon the Funds by the threatened impositions of the Income- tax. In the course of the afternoon, Consols have been done at an advance of / per cent upon the lowest quotations; the price for Money having been as high as 891, while for Account there were buyers at 89#. The market closes rather lower, viz. 891 # for Money and 891 a for Account. Bank Stock has been done at 171 for Account. The premium upon Exchequer Bills remains the same. There has been a slight demand for Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, which have been done at 52#, and close at 52 hi. Belgian Five per Cent Bonds have also been done at 1031. A large portion of the dollars brought by the Thames, being on account of the Mexican Dividends, that Stock has nsen to 40, and closes at 391 40. Colombian have been at 25, and close at 241 25. Chilian have risen nearly 6 per cent, have been done at 81, and close at SO to 81. The other South American are firmer, without any business. Spanish Active closes at 241 L; being an improvement of h. The Railway Shares are generally higher. We have to notice the following transactions in addition to those of the morning : Cheltenham and Great Western, 171 ; Great Western, 89 881; Brighton, 351 I; Croydon, 12; North Midland, 69;
Columbian 6 per Cents 241 5 Danish 3 per Cents 811 21 Dutch 21 per Cents
521 I
Mexican 5 per Ceuti Consd . 391 90 Portuguese Regency 5 perCts. 331
Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841 28 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 131 201.
Russian 5 per Ceuts..ex div. 1121 131 Spanish (Active) .. . 241 1 Some error appears to exist about the object of Mr. R. CRICHTON WILEY'S voyage to New York. That gentleman has recently sailed in the Columbia, not, as is generally believed, as a general agent for enforcing the claims of the English holders of American Securities, but as the agent of the English Bondholders of the Morris Canal and Banking Company, to watch the sale of the Canal, which will be put up to auction in New York in consequence of the foreclosure of the mortgage of 750,000 dollars, held by some Dutch capi- talists upon the Canal. The English holders have no chance of payment, except by purchasing the Canal, and carrying it on for their own benefit. Shortly after the issue of the Bonds of the English Loan, a change took place in the direction of the Company ; and the whole management of its affairs got into the hands of Mr. E. B. BIDDLE, the President, and Mr. LORD, his partner, the Vice-President of the Company, who contrived to lend to themselves and to.their co-speculators in iron and coal-works in Jersey and Pennsylvania a large portion of the Company's funds, nearly 300,000 dollars. It would appear, that though the loan was nominally for the Canal Company, the whole pro- ceeds have been applied to the benefit of Messrs. BIDDLE and LORD by means of the most shameful fraud. Mr. E. R. BEDDLE is nephew of the celebrated NICHOLAS DIDDLE, the late manager of the United States Bank ; and the proceedings which have destroyed the Morris Canal Company were a minia- ture copy of those by which the United States Bank has been utterly ruined. South-eastern and Dover, 251 6.
3 per Cent. Consols at . Ditto for Account 891 i 3 per Cent Reduced shut al per Cent Ditto shut New 31 per Cents 90 9 Bank Stock 1701 lf Excherluer Bills 28 30pm.
India 'stock 238 42
Brazilian 5 per Cents 601 71 Belgian 5 per Cents ... 103 4